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Request for a Compoundbow


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Id like to know if someone of you is able and willing to get a working Compoundbow into FO3.

Like the ones most people know from the rambo movies.

Would be pretty cool since it fits nicely into the wasteland-setting and would give most players a nice choice of a stealthy-weapon. Arrows and even the bow could also be made craftable. Anyone looking into this matter would be great!


Thx in advance!

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The only bows that can be done are crossbows, since there's already existing animations for it.
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Thx for the answer, altho its sad. I hoped through the connections between FO3 and Oblivion there would be a way to accomplish a working ingame bow. Since only Crossbows are possible as you say...is there any good mod that adds a crossbow ? I searched the nexus but did not have any luck finding one.


Greetz Vidar

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