iqoniq Posted July 3, 2023 Share Posted July 3, 2023 I've been trying to more or less script a fight with a life heart (see my Lucky 444 VRCade to get the idea). At the start of the fight there's a random roll to see who will win the fight, the correct fighters (one loser and winner) are spawned into the ring and the quest hands over to a secondary quest which tracks the fight. The problem is I was having all sorts of crazy going on with the life heart when I tried to track the health of the fighters (I think it was down to health regeneration). In an attempt to fix it (and stop the 10 minute long fights) I buffed up the fighters health and tracked attacks. I set a counter for each player, and for each OnHit there was a random percentage (between 1 and 5) deducted from the appropriate counter. As soon as one hits zero they're "killed", but as they're essential they go into bleed out. The problem is occurring when the player's fighter hits zero. It catches the event, but does absolutely nothing. They just carry on fighting. It works fine for the house fighter, but with the player it's not playing ball. Could someone please have a look at the script, and tell me where I'm going wrong. Thanks in advance. Scriptname lfvr_fr_lifeupdater extends Quest Actor Property PlayerRef Auto GlobalVariable Property lfvr_fr_brutality Auto GlobalVariable Property lfvr_fr_hmulti Auto GlobalVariable Property lfvr_fr_hstarthealth Auto GlobalVariable Property lfvr_fr_pstarthealth Auto GlobalVariable Property lfvr_fr_pmulti Auto GlobalVariable Property lfvr_fr_pwin Auto ObjectReference Property playerlifeheart Auto ObjectReference Property houselifeheart Auto ReferenceAlias Property cloneyclone Auto ReferenceAlias Property fighterclone Auto Quest Property FightRoomLite Auto Const Function StartMonitoring() Float pwin = lfvr_fr_pwin.GetValue() If pwin == 1 ;; Set multiplier to scale heart correctly. lfvr_fr_hmulti.SetValue(1) lfvr_fr_pmulti.SetValue(0.5) Debug.Notification("PLAYER WILL WIN!") ;; Debug notification to show expected result ElseIf pwin == 0 lfvr_fr_hmulti.SetValue(0.5) lfvr_fr_pmulti.SetValue(1) Debug.Notification("PLAYER WILL LOSE!") EndIf playerlifeheart.SetScale(1) houselifeheart.SetScale(1) playerlifeheart.Enable() houselifeheart.Enable() RegisterForHitEvent(cloneyclone) RegisterForHitEvent(fighterclone) Debug.EnableDetection() ;; Allow the fighters to start fighting. EndFunction Event OnHit(ObjectReference akTarget, ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked, string apMaterial) Actor housetoon = fighterclone.GetActorReference() Actor playertoon = cloneyclone.GetActorReference() Int pctorem = Utility.RandomInt(1, 5) Float hhealth = lfvr_fr_hstarthealth.GetValue() As Int Float phealth = lfvr_fr_pstarthealth.GetValue() As Int Float hmulti = lfvr_fr_hmulti.GetValue() Float pmulti = lfvr_fr_pmulti.GetValue() If akAggressor == playertoon && akTarget == housetoon ;; Cloney has hit hhealth = (hhealth - pctorem) lfvr_fr_hstarthealth.SetValue(hhealth) Utility.Wait(0.1) hhealth = (hhealth / 100) lighthouse.SetHealthPercent(housetoon, hhealth) lfvr_fr_brutality.Mod(pctorem) If hhealth > 0 hhealth = (hhealth * hmulti) houselifeheart.Disable() houselifeheart.SetScale(hhealth) houselifeheart.Enable() RegisterForHitEvent(housetoon) ElseIf hhealth <= 0 houselifeheart.Disable() housetoon.Kill() (Self As Quest).Stop() EndIf ElseIf akAggressor == housetoon && akTarget == Playertoon ;; House has hit phealth = (phealth - pctorem) lfvr_fr_pstarthealth.SetValue(phealth) Utility.Wait(0.1) phealth = (phealth / 100) lighthouse.SetHealthPercent(playertoon, phealth) If phealth > 0 ;; Is health over 0? If so rescale the heart. phealth = (phealth * pmulti) playerlifeheart.Disable() playerlifeheart.SetScale(phealth) playerlifeheart.Enable() RegisterForHitEvent(playertoon) ElseIf phealth <= 0 ;; Is heath at or below zero? If so kill the player fighter playerlifeheart.Disable() playertoon.Kill() Debug.Messagebox("Should be dead") (Self As Quest).Stop() EndIf EndIf EndEvent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iqoniq Posted July 5, 2023 Author Share Posted July 5, 2023 I've redone the script and moved it to the aliases (each alias handles it's own hits now), and it works as intended, but I'm still having a problem with kill() or killessential() not working. Please, does anyone have any ideas why my NPCs aren't dying? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iqoniq Posted July 8, 2023 Author Share Posted July 8, 2023 It looks like some of the NPCs were messed up somewhere in their forms. I remade them, swapped over to using aliases even when I had known values of the NPCs, and it seems to be working now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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