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Replacing Model Paths

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I have replaced some of the models for Assaultrons/KLEO. I didn't just replace the old meshes with new counterparts. I created a new path. Everything displays properly in the Creation Kit entries for the Actors and in the cells for specific references, but in-game, KLEO always uses the old models. I am baffled. Typing "recycleactor" has no effect either, so I don't think it's a save issue.

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I modified the pathways of the original Object Mods, and they will correctly show up in the game. So the issue seems to be something with how I set up KLEO's template to use the new Object Mods. The thing is, I added new object mods to other NPCs, and they show up just fine. I don't think I did anything differently with KLEO. I think there is something different about the actor KLEO, and I can't pinpoint it.

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I deleted KLEO's entire object template, and she still loads just fine into the game with all her old meshes. Again, I have no other mods installed, and there is nothing overriding the changes. I even checked with Better Console. Somehow, the game is ignoring the changes made by any new esps for KLEO and KLEO alone.

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