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AP recharge item


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Could somone please make an item that restore full AP on use like stimpak restores hp (or is it imposible or hard to restore just 90) but not dissapear after use ? neeeeed it for turnbased mod. :) thank u :)
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That would actually be pretty easy. What specs do you want for it? Name, cost, weight, where can it be found/bought, etc.



Name : APrecharge (doesnt matter realy :) )

Cost : 1

Weight : 0

Added as i add mod to list and load game or if its easier in megaton in Sallon in the sleeping room,


Marked as Quest item so i cant sold it accidentaly. And made on base of apparel so it can be used but not wearable ( i do not know if u see mod that allow u to controll companions from distance via headset, it can be used but after that it go to inventory so it can be added to hotkey but do not wear off helmet)

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