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How did they organize the room like this?


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Hello ;D

:unsure: how did they organize the items like this ? :thanks:

is there any programs for this orgnaztion :unsure:

i mean did thay ues any software ? :thanks:


i mean!

like this only i need 2 put my things on the tebol :mellow:







Thanks for all your answers and all nice cool great mods and lam sorry for my spell

:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Good Luck

God Bless You and Your Day


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thats pretty easy to do in the GECK especially if you use the Object Palette (look at the tutorial on the bethsoft site). You just go into top down mode, turn on snap to grid (if you want them to be perfectly aligned), and alt+click to put items where you want them. if the items show up stuck into the surface you are trying to put them on select them and turn on the havok engine they will work their way out of the surface and (hopefully) not fall over.


Edit: if you DID want to try to do this in game you could use the physics engine to your advantage (i.e. for the nuka cola bottles grab the end with the cap and use the stability to set it down gently) this takes a lot of patience tho >.>

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