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Spell/Item to Hide NPC Hate caused by Vampirism


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I've already searched thru this website and over the web and I simply cant find what I need..


What I want is a spell(with duration like 30-60 seconds) or an item that removes the thing that makes NPC not talk with us if we have Vampirism 100, I hate that I have to bite someone to become more 'normal' so I can go shopping and talk with regular people..


Can anyone direct me to a mod that does it or teach me how to make it on my own?



Thanks in Advance :)

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Perhaps a spell to raise your personality +100 and charm the target +100? Just a few seconds is all you'd need to cast it and start talking to them. You'd need to either be a member of the Mages' Guild or have the Vile Lair DLC to have access to the spellmaking altars.


Wait, scratch that. Spellmaking altars for no one. I thought there were some in Vile Lair, but it was actually some other things for vampires. I think the only spellmakers are for mages at the Arcane University.

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while I was waiting for something I started playing with TES Construction Set and I did some things, dunno if they'll work so I'll just try to explain what I did:


Created 5 Powers:

Hide Vampirism - Gives Vampirism(Magnitude 0)

Return to Vampire 25/50/75/100 - Gives Vampirism(Magnitude 25/50/75/100)


I also changed the Vampire Script so that when they change they automatically add these new powers depending on the level and removes the ones I shouldnt had in that Vampirism Level




You think that'll work?(Assuming I made everything correctly :P)

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I don't know about that. Maybe someone else can comment on that. But you could also look into one of the many vampirism overhaul mods. I never tried any, but I saw that many of them had powers to hide your vampirism and appear normal, at the cost of being weaker until you let yourself go again.
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Most of the supposed "hate" is established by the various dialogue topics, or at the vampire race itself. There are topics which check if the player is a vampire before selecting a response, and there is a disposition hit for the vampire race which gets applied to the player when becoming a vampire. Unfortunately, some of these changes may interfere with other vampirism mods.
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from what I have seen, its the variable PCVampire that causes the "hate" npcs have from us and not the ability Vampirism itself


I made a script, anyone can confirm if this would work?



Scriptname VampChange

short lastVal

begin gamemode

if (PCVampire == 0 )
 set PCVampire to lastVal
 set lastVal to 0
 set lastVal to PCVampire
 set PCVampire to 0



any help?

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Would not be advised since the vampire scripts also make use of this variable to control stages and transitions. The only solution is to either change the dialogues, or change the vampire scripting itself. However, both will likely cause conflicts with any other vampire mod.


To make something work off a spell, your best bet is to just add a new condition to these dialogues which is only valid when the player is not affected by the spell, and just accept the disposition loss as simply being part of being a vampire.

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