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Duplicate Skyrim Worldspace -- Alternate Skyrim Mod


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Would anyone know of a means to duplicate the entirety of Skyrim? I seek to create a mod focusing on an alternate reality, but do not want to change the current Skyrim landmass, as it would conflict with other mods. Browsing the forums, I found threads seeking to add a new, user made landmass, or modify current cells or make new ones.


Alternatively, would there be a way to extract the skyrim landmass (the ground, mountains, and riverbeds themselves, rather than the rocks trees, and buildings? I would be able to duplicate the rocks,trees,etc. over with ease once that is done.

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In the creation kit, exteriors are divided into world spaces, the biggest being "Tamriel,"

(which is the outdoor expanse of Skyrim.) Unlike interior cells you cannot edit or make new

world spaces from either the object window or the cell view window.

In the main creation kit window, you will see "File, Edit, World," and so on. Click on "

World," and in the drop-down menu click on "World Spaces."

A large window will pop up showing all of the world spaces. From here you have two options for

creating a new world space:

Option one: Right click anywhere on the list and hit "New"

Option Two: Right click on a world space and hit "Duplicate."

The difference between the two is minimal, if you click new a window will pop up, type in

something you will remember and which is not the same identity as anything else in the

creation kit. What you are typing is a way for the game and the creation kit to identify the

world space. Note this is not the name of your worldspace in game,

If you hit duplicate, you are going to want to select it and change the formid into whatever

you want it to be, again something that isn't already used by the creation kit.

Note: making your formid and worldspace name similar will allow you to find it easier if you

exit the creation kit and come back to your mod later.

You now have a new worldspace. But remember this Varsaigen markers and stuff might be a problem so be careful. If you need any more help message me or post again whethere it be in this topic or another. Have fun modding.

Ahtnamas Studio

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The duplicate worldspace option in the CK is bugged and does not work. I've tried it several times. It just crashes when you do that. You can, however, do it with TES5Edit and that's what I'm doing. I'm working on a plugin file with a duplicate of the Skyrim worldspace in it. The worldspace has been duplicated, but it's not finished yet. I have to remove all NPCs, markers, triggers and fix the navmesh. I have removed most NPCs and I'm now working on fixing the navmesh. Once it's finished, I will release it as a modders resource.

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Thank you both very much! I knew a bit about the world spaces before, but Ahtnamas' post has expanded my understanding of it!


Albino, that sounds like it will be a very valuable resource, so good luck with that! :D I'll have to look into TES5Edit. I keep coming upon the Oblivion version, so now that I know for certain one exists for Skyrim, it'll be worth grabbing.

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