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Why do you want to add another block? If you want to change the texture you just need to change NiSourceProperty.
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I don't know how to add another NiSourceTexture like that, but I think the second texture in the first picture is a glow map, if you just want to add one of those set the Emissive color to white in NifSkope, and create a glow map with _g.dds at the end of the name in the same folder as the diffuse map.
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Jeez - a lot of people are putting in some big ss lately.

As I am on dial up I have stopped the ss download. So I'll take

a stab at it....


Gloss - In addition to glow maps, which work independently alongside

the normal map, you can alter the gloss, specular color, emissive color,

and alpha (transparency) by clicking on the little tan coloured icon in

material property. Glow maps are not used all that often as they will make

objects (or eyes) glow in the dark without a light source - ie. torch, sun, etc.


Normal maps also play a big part in gloss and shine depending on the

colour to alpha settings made before normalising and whether the normal

map is made using RGB or Allpha.


Normally using reorder blocks in the spells will sort out the blocks,

but if you feel a need to move something then hold Ctrl and press the up key.

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