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Steam Group


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I would like to start off by apologizing if I've overstepped my bounds in what I've done, but I have my reasons as you'll see, so here goes:


I was looking around on Steam earlier, when I decided to check and see if Nexus had a Steam Group; to my surprise, there was NOT one. So I checked to see if there was any chatter here on the Forums; again, nothing. So I decided to see if maybe it was private; nope, still available. At this point, I realized some little jerk might decide to have fun at the expense of nexusmods and create a group just to block them out, so here is what I did:


I went ahead and created a Steam Group for both Nexus Mods and Skyrim Nexus. They can be found here:


Nexus Mods



Skyrim Nexus



Both groups are currently Public, and anyone can join, discuss mods, chat, etc. If either start having problems (jerks joining and messing with people, etc) I might have to switch it to Private (just PM me here to join, or follow the link in my profile to Friend me on Steam), though I don't think it will come to that.


Again, I apologize if I've overstepped my bounds in doing this, but I hope it will be a service to the community, and hope you all come and join the group(s).


To the Mods: join the group and send me a PM here with your Steam name (to confirm you are a Mod), and I will gladly hand over ownership of the group(s) to you if you want (see here: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2092-QLZX-8453#transfer). I just wanted to make sure some jerk didn't grab the names before a nexusmods user did.


Happy gaming,




P.S. I also apologize for double-posting this, but I felt it was appropriate to post in both places.


P.P.S. To the Mods: If you approve of this, please promote it to the fellow members of the community.

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A nice guy in the chat rooms pointed out that there IS a Steam group already:




Don't know why I couldn't find it the other day, or why it isn't advertised more on here, but oh well...


In the meantime, I recommend joining the official one, as I have the two I created marked for deletion.

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