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Struggling with something that has probably permanently broken important buttons or events


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I have been struggling with this complicated bug for a very very long time. It's kept me from playing this game for like 4 years because I couldn't fix it at the time.

My game was fine all the way to getting the elder scroll read by a dwemer piece of technology (Discerning the Transmundane) and I also had an issue with getting the snow elves' teleportation things to come out of the ground. They just would not come out of the ground, like the script making them come out of the ground was missing or something. You know - in the dawnguard DLC?


I got past that by just forcing the quest forward. I have no idea what caused it and how to even fix that.


However, this time, in the dwemer ruin with discerning the transmundane, after inserting the Lexicon into the receptacle in elder scroll reader, you know how you need to hit four buttons to do the puzzle? Well, the buttons 100% don't respond. I can press two of them that open up on the right. Pressing them makes them go down, but they do absolutely nothing. I can press them as much as I want, but nothing changes. (the other buttons won't become pressable and unshielded)


Another thing (very end of video)

I notice - when other people put in the lexicon at the start, the machine has a sound response. My game doesn't do that at all. Only the two buttons on the right unfurl and make a noise. The reading mechanism doesn't make a sound like in the video.


Does anyone know how I could even get started on troubleshooting this? I will seriously go to any lengths to try to fix it.


I know that when the issue occurred, I tried savegame scanner or script cleaner. I was thinking, maybe a script is missing?


But yeah it gets very hard after that. And I don't even know if scripts are the problem and when I look at the scripts I don't even know what I'm looking at.


I will go to go and PM modders and people for advice if I have to and learn modding. The website probably wouldn't allow it but I will even pay a modder to help fix it or help me understand wtf is going on. Idfk.

Because at this point I can't just start over every time I hit a bug.


Help appreciated. I don't even know where I should start! maybe a modder will be able to help provide guidance since they would know what's the issue here?

Edited by SmallHadronCollider
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When hitting a glitch like this, there are a couple of things you can try before using a save cleaner:


1. Going back to a save before you entered the cell/area and try again,

2. verifying your game files and going back to said save,

3. loading that previous save and waiting for 10 or 30 days to allow the cells to reset, then go back to your quest.

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