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I've extracted meshes and textures from skyrim, hearthfires and dragonborn and wanted to use a door texture so users of a mod I'm working on don't have to have a DLC to use the mod.


I have created a door (by copying a standard load door) and changed the .nif to the one I have extracted.


It seems to go in fine but when it is dragged into position I get a red diamond with a white exclamation mark instead of the door image. The 3 graphics in the list have now been replaced by a single error "Marker_Error:0"


I've opened it up in nifscope and it looks fine to me (complete nifscope and 3d modelling virgin) and is using the BSLightingShaderProperty.


If anyone can point me in the right direction to figure out what may be causing this error I would be very grateful.


Many thanks....

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I don't think you are allowed to release a mod with assets from a DLC without it being a requirement of it, that's like giving away paid-content for free to people without them buying the DLC in the first place.

I might be wrong though.

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