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Weird issue with Molotov-Mods that introduce "working fire"...

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Hello community,


i have recently encountered an issue with some Molotov-Mods, which implement "real working fire hazards" which will burn the player and also npcs, if they walk over it. That's cool, because it should have been like that from the beginning in the vanilla game and there are quite a few mods, that adress this annoyancy, but most of them have no functioning fire, even if they claim they have, like "Immersive Burning Molotovs and Flamers" for example. However, i now use "Molotavs and Flamers", which is working as expected, but there is a very strange behavior with the fire hazards going on there: If i throw my first molotov, it does what it should and the hazard on the ground, which can hurt indeed everyone, burns as long as it is set in the Hazard-Entry. BUT: If i throw a second or a third one, it will still work as a working flame, but it lasts just a few seconds, like in vanilla. There is no real logic behind it and i guess, this could be an engine-bug or something, but maybe it's simply something i've overlooked. Can someone tell me about the root-cause of this and how i can fix it?


Thanks in advance


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So, i figured that this is a thing even in pure vanilla. If i change one thing, the duration of the fire hazard, it will burn for the given amount of time, but only for the first molotov. The following ones will always switch back to 8 seconds or so burning duration...what is this s###?

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When you say, "following ones" do you mean the first one is still burning


the ones after first one you throw having loaded a game save


the first one you throw after changing the duration works but every one after that is back to normal regardless of loading?

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Thanks for replying. Well it goes like this: Change one value in CK, the duration of the molotov fire hazard. Let's say from vanilla 8 seconds to 30 seconds. Placed 5 molotovs in the game world. Pick the first one up, throw it, 30 seconds burn duration as intended. Pick the next one up, throw it, 8 seconds vanilla burn duration. Same thing with the rest of them. So just the first one has the modified value, the next ones switch back to vanilla. That's so annoying and weird and ruins immersion

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