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Would like some feed back, opinions and ideas


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Ancient Guild Player Home



Would add picture but the site wont let me


OK so recently i been helping people out in the forms and now I was hoping I can get some help. Be warned I do not care much for grammar besides spelling and even then i mess up so please bare with me. Ok so i have been trying to join mod projects but keep getting turned down because i have not "Publish anything".

I am working on this mod project called Ancient Guild. Now the thing is i am not close to being finished to even upload a beta for it. I want to do one upload and that's it " Besides bug fixes " How ever i do wanna upload some content so i can get peoples feed back and wanna know what i need to work on before my actually big project mod comes out. So I have been working on this player home mod for about 4-6 hours. So far I have mad a dungeon and started the house and the npc for my quest line. I plan on uploading this mod same time tomorrow. So before i ask you guys on opinions and such let me tell you about the player home. The player home is a regular house by the water kinda hidden. Inside even looks like a regular home. So why bother if its just a plane old house well you see is there a secret to it where it leads underground into a old Ancient Guild hide out. Has every thing a player home needs inside a cave under ground. Now i have no screen shots off the cave yet because i am no where close to done with it. Now the reason i want to make this and upload is because i want a player home mod in my main project so i decide why not figure what i need to improve on and will help me shape the home to be ready for the main project. So now here is why I would like your guys help.


First I want to know what has to been in a player home. I do not really download them so i do not know what people like in them and do not like but i am talking about basics.


Second What could I add to the home. I see allot of people want like guards miners and all this stuff people want but I dont know what would over do it.


Third Questing I have a small dungeon quest where you must retrieve this book back from this bandit for the wizard to get the key but should there be more to it and if so how much?


Last question How big is dialog I dont have the best voice being sick right now but my quest has its own dialog so i need to know how important it is to have voice for the dialog. Also if it is a big deal dose it matter how it sounds and if so where can i get people to help with dialog in my mods " If you want to help me with this send me a message or Skype me at ahtnamasstudio Also credit will be given"


So yea thanks for reading sorry if your real big on grammar thanks for your time also all help you can provide on those topics would really help me out.

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