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7 Days To Die

Mods keep disappearing


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So just want to clarify why certain mods are seemingly getting banned like there was the enclave flag pack/radio pack that a person released for 4th of july and they said theyd add the john henry eden fireside chats and update it but then I checked back later that night and it disappeared off the face of the earth. Im really not sure why it was banned (which im presuming happened) was there bad code in it that affected gameplay? and last night a hentai poster mod was also uploaded and has disappeared today. Id chalk that up to adult content but like we have the sexy zombie mods and there are other in theme 18+ poster mods so really im confused at why some of these mods were banned if I could get clarification for what is acceptable and what is not.

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Not sure how to delete a post on here. After some testing of the mods listed above I've realized that the mods need fixing as they fail to load in creating a game. So guess I answered my own questions as to why they were taken down. (I had downloaded them while they were up just never got around to testing them.) Please feel free to delete the thread.

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