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soul binding


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Gildan, in her house in Ald Ruhn

Salyni Nelvayn, Morag Tong Guildhall, Ald Ruhn,

Masalinie Merian, Balmora Mages Guild

Ranis Athrys - ditto -

Arnand Liric, Buckmoth Legion Fort

Llaros Uvayn, Caldera Government Hall

Arielle Phiencel, Sadrith Mora mages guild


There are a couple of others but not so easy to find.


There are several unique weapons that soultrap. If you do all Ranis Athrys's quests in the Balmora Mages Guild you will get one. And of course you can enchant your own.

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Hey, I was just wondering while were on the topic of soulgems, is there a place you can buy them? I've only ever found them! and the ones you can find for sale already have souls in them. Anyone?
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Hi Ninja, you've been away a while. You can buy soul gems from the Enchanter upstairs in the Craftsman's Hall Mournhold.


If you need grand soul gems in Morrowind early on there are a couple in Tel Fyr you can simply pick up and you get one for doing a simple quest in the Telvanni Canton Vivec.

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Is booty in (for example) smugglers' caves leveled?


I've come across a few Grand gems while looting, at about LVL 10 but don't recall seeing any earlier.


(and is there a mod to attach souls to NPCs? I just find it really weird that when you try to soultrap an NPC, you find that they don't have one! :shocked: )

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Now that would be a great idea! If I could go around traping people in soul gems I would be a better person for it. All those assholes who lip-off could suffer the ultimate punishment, laying fo all eterinity in my sock drawer. Also if the persons level would detrumine the enchaning power, that would be nice.
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