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Far Cry

No camera snap while driving to make driving possible


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I keep trying to play farcry 3, after deeply regretting paying $15 for it on sell(especially considering it went on sell for $7 literally 4 hours later), since I was a huge fan of farcry 1 and 2 and though maybe the third wasn't a huge piece of crap since it was way more popular then the first two. So far I've almost made the game playable by installing an overhaul mod that changes basically everything about the game, but it's still TOTALLY impossible to drive a car in the game, the camera snaps back to the front if I try to look around AT ALL, this is just COMPLETELY moronic, whoever designed this into the game needs to be fired, it makes vehicles totally useless, it took me less then 30 seconds to back my car into a river with these retarded controls, simply because it is physically impossible to look behind my car.


I am deeply disappointed by farcry 3, but I am trying very hard to make it not the worst $15 I ever spent, and this would go a long way towards making this game bearable. ^_^

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