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Is it impossible to make an external control for the RR garage door?

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Hi, totally uninitiated when it comes to creating mods. Sorry for the clueless questions!

Been wanting a way to open the Sanctuary Hills Red Rocket door from the outside.

Naively, I imagined I could make a new buildable Workshop object that 'calls the same script as the red button on the wall'. If that was impossible, I imagined I could build a plugin that just adds an external button.

I've grabbed the Creation Kit and found the door/switch, but it appears as if the button doesn't really *do* anything, and the door actively watches the button to see if it got pushed.

If that's roughly correct, is this mod impossible without changing the door itself? Seems like I'd have to tell it to watch another button, either way.

Am I right in thinking that altering the door itself would ruin performance in the cell, break other mods, or corrupt save games?

Does this mod already exist and I somehow failed to find it?

Any advice welcome, thank you!

Edited by jethrojethronexusjethro
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first thank you for reading!

I don't know this nif. Throw off the path and the name nif.

I'm sorry, I did not understand this part. Total newbie here.

The button is called RedR_ButtonBox in a cell called RedRocketExt02, &
the door is called RedRGarageDoor in cell RedRocketExt. But I know that is not what you asked for, lol.

Ideally, I hoped to make a Workshop constructible object that is a clone of the button. No other effects, no relevance in any other settlement.

For any other choices, I would just take the simplest path, since is my first time making any mod

Edited by jethrojethronexusjethro
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Static adding another RedR_ButtonBox activate parent to RedRGarageDoor in CK is EZ.

Dont forget to add a new locked working layer to avoid nudging and breaking existing combined elements.

RedRGarageDoor does not show as [Placed Object] broken precombine in xEdit after adding linkrefs or activate parents to it.

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