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Yes, AII is active. I should have stated that to begin with. The item is physically there, the coloration is not. I have come across 3 items so far that have this issue: Needler Pistol, Talom ??? Armor, and some gun I could not target to find out because he killed me.
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Idk if this is what you have, but I get dotted stuff


Only a few items or like world items


Mostly noticable with the female shaved head



Idk you could make a female charicter with a shaved head then look


at the hair line, it gets dotted if antialiasing is set too low or anisotropic filtering


I think default is 4 AA 8 AF, but it can even show up there


With AA and AF turned off, or maybe just AA turned off it disapears


but at the cost of making the world look a bit less sharp an then "jaggys"


It's not just the hair either which is why I thought this might help



Sometimes other textures pick it up too.


You can turn the settings up in AA an AF to get rid of it too I think.




If you could take a pic of it, It might help

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hmmm possibly the textures are missing or in an incorrect place, perhaps try opening one of them in nifskope, and check what texture is used, the verify that the texture is there and not corrupt...

Jesus, neunen, even your signature is helpful

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