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Random CTDs when opening/using the UI or fast travelling


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As noted in the title. I'm really not sure what's causing this, although it started recently. It seems to be fairly random, and sometimes occurs when I press escape, open the inventory, scroll down quickly, click something, loot someone, interact with the map interface, or even wait too long in my inventory. If anyone wants to know more I'd be happy to try and help, given the proper instructions. Here's my load order:





Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
Better Dynamic Snow.esp
Change Follower Outfits Redux.esp
Change Follower Outfits Redux -- Dawnguard.esp
Change Follower Outfits Redux -- Hearthfire.esp
Change Follower Outfits Redux -- Dragonborn.esp
Change Follower Outfits Redux -- USKP 1.2 Farkas Compatability.esp
Immersive Battles.esp
Immersive Brigands.esp
Immersive Dawnguard.esp
Immersive Dragonborn.esp
Immersive Factions.esp
Immersive Mercenaries.esp
Immersive Patrols.esp
Immersive Travelers.esp
Immersive Werewolves.esp
Player Size Adjuster.esp
Bigger Badder Lich King Version 2.0.esp
Ghosu - Project Flintlock.esp
Ghosu - Project Flintlock - Ammo Addon.esp
Guild Duelist Armor.esp
HolidayUnderwear and Apparel.esp
Space Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.esp
My Home Is Your Home.esp
Run For Your Lives.esp
When Vampires Attack.esp
Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
SkyFalls - Distant Waterfall Overhaul.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
Vampire Lord Serana Fixed.esp
throthgar follower.esp
Extended Slider Colors.esp
WATER DB Waves.esp
Invisibility Eyes Fix.esp




I have been getting CTD's frequently when I try to access in-game menus. The crashes are mostly random, but, somehow fighting seems to increase the chances of it happening noticably. To elaborate the problem: While playing without any issues, out of the blue, the game crashes instantly if I try to open inventory/magic or even the loot menu (bodies/containers). Favourites menu does this very, very rarely. The game doesn't crash always, but randomly (which is, I think, wierd). But as I said, if I do try to access these menus while fighting, the probility of crashing is at least 75%. If it doesn't crash the first time, it definitely does the second or the third time. Its also very likely to crash, right after the battle when I start looting the corpses.
When the crashes happen, I load the game and that same location/situation doesn't cause a new crash. For example: I kill some bandits, quicksave in case of crash, try to loot and crash, reload that same save, try to loot, and success.
I've left playing Skyrim for a month and a half, and then returned with a new playthrough. I installed some mods, removed some mods etc. but I don't think I changed something that big to cause this. But I didn't have this problem before. I don't think there's a load order problem. BOSS sorts everything out, and I also make changes accordingly if any mod author mentioned in his/her page. I moved the SkyUI both at the top and the bottom of my load order, but it didn't change anyting. I also didn't removed any mods from my current playthrough. Seeing the crashes only happen when I try to access the menus and the only mod that I have concerning the menus is SkyUI, I wanted to write this here, in search of a solution, or an advise to identify the root of the problem.

Someone else put it quite nicely as well.

Edited by delta51dog
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SkyUI is most likely the culprit. First of all if you have safetyload installed make sure you have EnableOnlyLoading in the safetyload .ini file (located in skyrim/data/skse/plugins) set to true, as that can cause issues with loading the stuff in your inventory. If you are using ENB also make sure you have IgnoreInventory set to true in your enblocal.ini file.


But yeah, crashing when interacting with menus -> the only mod you have that modifies menu is SkyUI... then it must be what is causing it. Unfortunately SkyUI does not seem to have much documentation on this kind of issue (even though it seems to be fairly common), only things like error codes, etc.


I have to ask, have you seen something like this happen in menus?


(okay, it does not happen)

Edited by lion224
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1. You are using the Unofficial High Resolution Patch without the official Hi-Res Texture Pack, so it is redundant.

2. The Static Mesh Improvement plugins are already included in the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, therefore they are not necessary.

3. You are using the Hoth UFO Compatibility Patch without UFO.

4. You have SkyUI. Are you currently using Safety Load? Crashing on UI is a known problem with no known workaround. (Other than setting the EnableLoadingOnly to true)

5. Did you start the game witha ll of these mods?

6. Did you clean all of the DLC's and the Update?

7. I do not see a bashed patch. Go and get Wyre Bash and used that to handle your leveled list.

8. You are using Midas Magic. That mod has problems with the latest version of Skyrim. Use Sharlikens (I believe that is how you spell it) patch instead.

9. You need the Dawnguard-Dragonborn patch for enhanced blood textures, which can be found on the mod page.

10. Did you use BOSS? Did you actually look at the notifications it provides?



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Thanks for the tips, I'll see if they work.


So, SkyUI is known for these crashes? Like I said, it only happens in the UI. It used to happen when I was trying to enter Volkihar while Harkon was alive, but that was caused by me forgetting to remove a few lines from one of my .ini files after uninstalling a cape mod. So, should cleaning the files that have dirty edits help with this?




No, I haven't had a thing like that.




1. I didn't even realize that at first.

2. Nor that.

3. I think it came with the Hoth mod itself, I'll disable that.

4. I am using Safety Load, even after uninstalling SkyUI and trying again for a bit the crashes persisted, at least on my older save.

5. Yes.

6. Not yet, I'll get on it. Yes, sir.

7. Thanks for the tip, I'll try that. Maybe it'll help.

8. I did use that patch, funny that it isn't showing up.

9. Done.

10. Every time I install a mod I use BOSS. However, I haven't taken a look at the log it produces recently. Let me take a look...

Edited by delta51dog
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The tricky thing is I can't say for sure. I'm not on the SkyUI dev team.


But it seems to me these kind of CTD are caused by SkyUI, because they only happen when you go into the menu and the only modifications made to the menu are from SkyUI.

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The tricky thing is I can't say for sure. I'm not on the SkyUI dev team.


But it seems to me these kind of CTD are caused by SkyUI, because they only happen when you go into the menu and the only modifications made to the menu are from SkyUI.

Alright. Shame, I was really digging the MCM too....


Just finished making a bashed patch, cleaning any files that had dirty edits, and disabled a few mods that were redundant/got a compatibility patch for improved blood. My menu is now full of $ before every word. I fixed that.


I also found a good description of my problem from someone else with the same issue. Putting it in the OP. Also just tried putting "EnableOnlyLoading = true" in my Safety Load .ini file.

Edited by delta51dog
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"But it seems to me these kind of CTD are caused by SkyUI, because they only happen when you go into the menu and the only modifications made to the menu are from SkyUI."


Wrong, because

1. The CTDs could also happen without SkyUI.

2. Other mods can have an effect (in this particular example, Safety Load, which causes memory corruption).


"So, SkyUI is known for these crashes?"

I'm not aware of any random crashing caused by SkyUI. I'm pretty sure you could create scenarios where incomplete form data on items added by other mods can lead to reproducible crashes whenever you view these items in the inventory. But I don't know any concrete examples of those, otherwise I'd fix them.

Edited by schlangster
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It's a known issue/conflict between SkyUI & Safety Load. I'm having the same issue as you & have PMed the author pointing out said conflict. There are numerous posts about this issue on both the Nexus forums & Bethesda Softworks forums too. Hopefully, this will be fixed soon as SkyUI is one of the most used mods of all time here on the Nexus. The only thing that fixes the issue temporarily is to switch back & forth between the true/false .ini settings that enable the protection only for the loading screens or for both the loading screens & in-game freezing. This does fix the IFLS (Infinite Loading Screens) regardless of which setting is chosen but the in-game freezing protection functionality is conflicting with SkyUI for some reason when enabled. This will need to be addressed/fixed in a future update to Safety Load. Hope this helps. Peace.

posted @ 6:58, 31 Dec 2013



It is just this way, that you cannot use SkyUI and Safety Load together. But it is a problem, because you must use SkyUI (most mods require MCM), and you must use Safety Load (you can't even load the game without it). However, Safety Load is only used "when game loads many object/texture data" according to the author. So, if you want to try, remove some of the HD textures to reduce memory usage to the point that Safety Load is not necessary.

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When it comes to memory allocation, SkyUI doesn't do anything differently than the default UI. Things like that happen on a lower level not exposed to the UI. Same goes for thread-safety.

By adding more shapes like icons, SkyUI may also cause more allocations. So if Safety Load were to break the thread-safety of UI-related memory allocation, that would more likely cause random errors in the presence of SkyUI. However, people also reported these CTDs without SkyUI (see this thread for example), and in particular the SkyUI versions of the map menu and quest_journal are identical to vanilla where it matters.


tl;dr not my fault if you game crashes, and nothing I can do about it either

Edited by schlangster
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