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Invisible bar stools


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The bar still seems to have dissappeared in my game. The market is there to shoot on them but the chair itself seems to be missing. So now you see NPCs sitting on mid air and no bar stools under them. I was thinking maybe a texture, but if that was the case then wouldn't there be a purple chair instead of it completely missing?


I have searched the web and many have had this issue (there are even videos showing this glitch) but no one is posting a solution on reddit or anywhere else I looked. I'd search here to see if there is a solution but there doesn't seem to be a search function on mobile. So I am asking here.


Doors anyone know how to fix this flaw?


It is likely a mood but I have no idea which one.


Is there a mood that can overwrite the others with just a barstool? I have only found a texture replace, not a mesh replacer.


Any help would be appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, not sure if you already found the solution but i had the same problem and the issue was in mod " [Cloud] Yule Tide - House, Props, Poses, Outfits, Accessories " that i found on patreon. it was replacing path in the esp for the wooden stool.

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