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Total Immersion - MotionPlus - Commission


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I figure this hasn't been made yet however-

With mods that have been out for a while enabling players to play using Occulus Rift, I figure I'd suggest something further by recommending the addition of motion controls using a Wii Motion Plus controller similar to the style of Skyward Sword. I understand this would be difficult, but if a modder has a wiimote with motion plus/nunchuck handy, I feel as though it would be rather cool to swing 1:1 and have incredibly dynamic combat focused on body areas, avoiding shields and swords, and better timing.

Buttons wouldn't be as sparse as you'd probably think, especially when you can replace all forms of attack with motion- profiles may need to be switched for certain weapon types. Brainstorming, here was what I can come up with:
Right Hand attacks - Wii Mote swings
Left hand attacks/shield/magic - Nunchuck swing (Less accurate, but workable)
Power - Z
Action - A

Sneak - C
Jump - B
Sprint - A+B
(Alternates for jump and sprint- sprint being a dedicated button and jump being a motion with both hands, though that would probably get tiring)
Movement - Left Stick

D-Pad - Camera (Right Stick 1:1)
Save/Options Menu - Home

Favorites - 1/2
Ingame Menu - +
Favorites Menu - -

Motion of melee weapons would be swings, and the mod would be designed around melee, so other forms of combat will mostly be niche.
Magic could easily be swirling.
Staves could be a stabbing motion.
Bows could either be a throwing motion or a stabbing motion, they would not seem natural.

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I don't think it would be possible to make a 1:1 system like you described. The fixed animations are built into the Skyrim engine. You cannot just dynamically move the arms around anyway you want in game. The game would have to be designed like that from scratch.


Cool idea though, just probably not possible...

Edited by MostlyMuggie
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