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Help needed editing ContainerMenu.swf from "FallUI - Inventory"


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I use the FallUI - Inventory mod, but it has a bug, so I thought I'd take a look at the code (as I am a programmer). However, this is the first time I've tried editing swf files, and unfortunately I am having problems - if I edit ContainerMenu.swf using JPEXS, then load it back into JPEXS, I see that half the file is missing. I don't know what I'm doing wrong - could anyone help please?


These are the steps I took:

* Make a copy of E:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data\interface\ContainerMenu.swf
* Open JPEXS
* Open ContainerMenu.swf (I chose "No to all" when asked Do I want assets to be loaded?)
* Go to scripts/M8r.Data/GameItemDataExtractor
* Find public static function updateItemCountData(param1:Object) : void
* Edit ActionScript button at the bottom
* I made a change simply to see if I could get it to work. I changed:
param1._extraData.weightStack = applyPrecision(String(_loc2_ * Number(param1._extraData.weight)),1);
param1._extraData.weightStack = applyPrecision(String(_loc2_ * 2 * Number(param1._extraData.weight)),1);
* Save button at the bottom
- it doesn't actually change the file on disk
- the file structure on the left stops working
- it does change the file on disk, from 271Kb to 188Kb
- FO4 crashes when displaying the inventory
- if I re-load the file in JPEXS, most of the functions are missing!
Any advice would be appreciated, thank you
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