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Skyrim crashing with a specific character and now can't load it at all


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I was crashing ever since I got to Langsley's house and won't stop. Did this to me on Xbox and now it's doing the same thing on computer. I made another character and immediatley started going through all my mods enabling and disabling to try to find the cause. Working perfectly fine with all my mods active. Go back to main character and still crashing to the point where I can't load in now.


I got a crash logger, but have no I can't understand it and no clue how to fix it.

This is what I am getting.

I bolded the at code too match it up.


There is more information after this, but I just included the Probable Call Stack.


Skyrim SSE v1.6.640
CrashLoggerSSE v1-8-0-0 Feb 1 2023 00:20:05
Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF647CFAB2F SkyrimSE.exe+02BAB2F cmp byte ptr [rdi+0x1A], 0x0B
OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home v10.0.22621
CPU: GenuineIntel 12th Gen Intel® Core i9-12900H
GPU #1: Nvidia GA104 [Geforce RTX 3070 Ti Laptop GPU]
GPU #2: Intel Alder Lake-P Integrated Graphics Controller
GPU #3: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
[ 0] 0x7FF647CFAB2F SkyrimSE.exe+02BAB2F -> 20210+0x12F cmp byte ptr [rdi+0x1A], 0x0B
[ 1] 0x7FF647EDB542 SkyrimSE.exe+049B542 -> 30851+0x132 test al, al
[ 2] 0x7FF647EDB3F8 SkyrimSE.exe+049B3F8 -> 30850+0x18 add rsp, 0x28
[ 3] 0x7FF648B5F495 SkyrimSE.exe+111F495 -> 90542+0x405 test al, al
[ 4] 0x7FF648B60EAD SkyrimSE.exe+1120EAD -> 90578+0x6D mov r9d, esi
[ 5] 0x7FF648B5FB7C SkyrimSE.exe+111FB7C -> 90544+0x2AC movzx esi, al
[ 6] 0x7FF648B57B4B SkyrimSE.exe+1117B4B -> 90441+0x17B movzx ebx, al
[ 7] 0x7FF647ED2B3E SkyrimSE.exe+0492B3E -> 30658+0xAE movzx r13d, al
[ 8] 0x7FF64811ED1D SkyrimSE.exe+06DED1D -> 40517+0xDD test al, al
[ 9] 0x7FF647DD6C25 SkyrimSE.exe+0396C25 -> 25129+0x195 jmp 0x00007FF647DD6C8C
[10] 0x7FF647DCADE8 SkyrimSE.exe+038ADE8 -> 25026+0x108 mov rdi, [rdi+0x08]
[11] 0x7FF64811E981 SkyrimSE.exe+06DE981 -> 40515+0x4C1 cmp dword ptr [rbp-0x79], 0x00
[12] 0x7FF6483008B4 SkyrimSE.exe+08C08B4 -> 51612+0x1594 mov rbx, [0x00007FF64AA01B78]
[13] 0x7FF64895825B SkyrimSE.exe+0F1825B -> 82082+0xB8B mov esi, eax
[14] 0x7FF647BA2BFE SkyrimSE.exe+0162BFE -> 13363+0x3DE mov ebx, 0x02
[15] 0x7FF647FFE9C4 SkyrimSE.exe+05BE9C4 -> 35780+0xC4 mov rcx, [0x00007FF6499987D0]
[16] 0x7FF647FFF03B SkyrimSE.exe+05BF03B -> 35783+0x2DB mov r8d, 0xFFFFFFFF
[17] 0x7FF647FFD882 SkyrimSE.exe+05BD882 -> 35772+0x462 test al, al
[18] 0x7FFCECF70828 skse64_1_6_640.dll+0010828
[19] 0x7FF64802C2DF SkyrimSE.exe+05EC2DF -> 36564+0x9F mov rax, [0x00007FF64999A748]
[20] 0x7FF648024DD5 SkyrimSE.exe+05E4DD5 -> 36544+0x165 test bl, bl
[21] 0x7FF648EB4C1E SkyrimSE.exe+1474C1E -> 109636+0x106 mov ebx, eax
[22] 0x7FFD2A3B26AD KERNEL32.DLL+00126AD
[23] 0x7FFD2C46AA68 ntdll.dll+005AA68
This is my mod list
I think I put this in right?
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  • 3 months later...

hope that worked. langely has a lot of scripts. like his introduction is quite an involved scene including homemade spells. and now he's crashing your game. what a ****.


i think when too many scripts or loose scripts are compromising your game in a certain spot, reducing the number of non-light plugins can help. at least, LOOT yelled at me one time and demanded i get rid of as many non-light plugins as possible. my tech knowledge is crap so it's a shot in the dark.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i think when too many scripts or loose scripts are compromising your game in a certain spot, reducing the number of non-light plugins can help. at least, LOOT yelled at me one time and demanded i get rid of as many non-light plugins as possible. my tech knowledge is crap so it's a shot in the dark.

I concur. I've heard the rules of the road wrt upper and lower groups, and that no more than 255 is the rule for the lower register, but my game teeters on the brink of instant CTD when I push it much beyond ~245 active plugins, 255 limit or not. Dunno why it needs the headroom but it appears to.

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