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Mod to edit soldiers on final missin in iron man mode?


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I was interested in getting an editor for a very specific purpose and wondered if anyone could suggest one. I am playing the latest version of XCOM Enemy Within, in iron man mode (normal difficulty) and I want to edit the soldiers on the final mission. After selecting and equipping my 6 soldiers for the final mission I found that when the mission started, 4 of those selected were replaced with other, subpar soldiers?!? I am sure that I had correctly selected the soldiers and reviewed their equipment but irregardless of whether it is a bug or my own error, I'd like to either restart the mission so I could properly choose my soldiers or edit the soldiers on the mission. I was looking at the "Restart Mission in Pause mode" by Drakous 79. (Does anyone know if it works for the final mission in iron man mode?) I was also trying to find out more about "XCOM ToolBoks". If anyone is familiar with these or another mod editor I might try, I would appreciate any suggestions.


Thanks for any suggestions.


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Hello, welcome to the forums :)


Restarting mission from pause menu should work in the last mission on ironman, but don't know if it can fix your problem. If the game saved info about chosen soldiers to ironman save, restarting the mission won't fix it. Please let us know, how it ends.


Those version numbers are for ToolBoks. You can try and see if there's working save editor.

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Umm. ToolBoks versions at 1.6.x are for EW only. The last EU version was 1.5.2 and did not have a functional save game editor. It was more a "sample, proof of concept" version that could only change SOME things on the very first soldier in the barracks. ToolBoks is the only editor that has attempted to do anything with the save game files.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :sad:



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Oh well, thanks for the reply Dubious and Drakous79, happy to report success on the last mission anyway! Did lose 2 guys (at least before the alien ship blew up-don't know if any of the survivors got off before the volunteer destroyed the alien vessel!)

Very exciting. Can't tell you how worried I was when I saw 2 sectopods!! ach! But the psi storm came through big time to take them out. But not before they rained death on my troopers with their grenade launches.


Drakous79 I did download the pause menu restart mission and will try that out soon, it looks like a very nice way to replay some good fights. Thanks for both your replies.



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