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Few Rookie Questions


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OK, i cleaned out the dust with a straw, took the cover off the computer and lowered oblivion video settings but that didnt help. Still got a shutdown then reboot after 10 sec in the game.


Now I just wanna clear if this the video card or power supply issue.

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About shutdowns: I once had an odd issue in which I got shutdowns UNLESS I unscrewed the video card supports. I think screwing it in changed its angle a little, making it short. Point being, the STRANGEST things can cause these shutdowns. Check to see that the video card is seated nicely, with no stress at all.


About No Psychic Guards. Can anyone tell me if it is true that it will mess up saved games?

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It can be a memory problem... try scanning the RAM (through BIOS, GRUB, Windows or other software) it may be corrupted. If you have many memory banks take them out leaving only one and scan each of them. You don't need to spend all the time scanning them, if they're corrupted it will pop-up almost inmediatly.


If you're using Windows XP and you have 4GB of RAM installed it will reboot itself automatically. That's because XP can't manage more than 3GB non-system related memory (even the 64bits version) and Oblivion somewhat avoids that limit using system/hardware memory entries. So your PC can't stand withouth those and shutdown itself. I had to remove one of my memory banks to avoid that xD

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Vadilou, I got 2 GB of RAM. I also tested memory with OCCT on the highest stress possible but for an hour but there was no errors. Also run Prime95 with no problems whatsoever.


Im pretty sure its my PSU. Asked my friend whos more into this tech stuff and he told me in 90% cases its power supply whats failing.

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Amps are what is important with a psu.

While not familiar with your psu I will say that there are a lot

of cheap high watt psu's that are not up to the job because of

low amperage.

Around 20A on the 12v rails is OK with multiple rail psu's

more if only a single rail when running modern gpu's and processors.


Also make sure your prefetch/page file is set up correctly.

Don't let windows set the size automatically. It will cause fragmentation

(little green lines all over the place when you look at the defrag).

Set your page file to 1.5 times your total RAM both min. and max. This will

keep a nice tight page file.

Deleting, rebooting and then reseting the page file will defragment it.

CCleaner can do this also, and Tweak XP can be set to clear the page file on shut down.

(It will slow down the shut down as it does this).

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Try the Antec site they have a power calculator where you can

dial in the specs of your machine for an answer to your requirements.

The calculator seems to be fair. ie - not trying to sell more power.

I think what you have should do. Although I mentioned amps you may still

be a little short on watts, but the game should still run, at least for a while.


My guess is that you will want 520 W and 20 amps/ 12v rail (minimum) for good stability.


EDIT: Does you card have two power connectors ? If so be sure they are both connected.

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"Although I mentioned amps you may still be a little short on watts"


Volts, amps & watts are inter-related. If the circuit is drawing 20 Amps and the PSU is maintaining a steady 12 Volts then that's 240 Watts being dissipated (wattage = current x voltage, and that 240W will end up as a fair bit of heat incidentally). A 520 W PSU should give plenty of overhead though, allowing for the odd surge.


Of course if all that 520W is being used, that's like having half of a 1-bar electric fire inside your PC!

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