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Larceny Trophies - Fixed Position?


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Basically, could someone make (to, help me figure out how to make) it so that the 'Trophies' received from turning in the various Larceny Items (ie. the Queen Bee Statue, the Model Ship, the Left Eye of the Falmer, etc.) remain in place, and become static objects? In other words, make it so that they can't fall off the shelves, forcing me to replace them via Console Command every time I see one on the floor.


Truthfully, I'm surprised I haven't found a mod for this yet. Seems like something that would have been thought of before, or at least was easier to find. As I have pretty much no experience modding Skyrim, I'd rather give this idea to the community. If no one decides to go forward with this idea, perhaps I'll attempt to do it myself. Someday.


Good luck, and godspeed.

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