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just wondering


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i doubt i f any1 gonna read this, but im posting it anyways.


im thinking bout buying MW, so i was looking into the graphics mod. ive got a basic idea of im gonna do, since not all texture packs are done, and they dont all offer all the bloom effects etc.


im gonna layer the mods:


1.MGE - ill play around w/ the graphics intill i like it


2.NBE - mainly for that awesome bloom effect, ill play around with that too.


4. Better Everything (including clothes + beast bodies 3.3)- then THE facepack and makeover


5. Darknuts (+ sharper better clothes and armour) stuff


6. Connary's Stuff (including bitter coast)


7.Vality's bitter coast and tree mod - i dont want everything to be green


8. Domina - i think, from what mythics website says, this adds a female version for the armour? does it change it in game to all npc's? some 1 plz confirm me


9. canadians ice robe replacer, and his domina armour (again, i have a slight supspicion im goin up the wrong tree with this domina thing)


10. sharpened weapons texture (forgot exact name)


i still need a miscallaneus items replacer!! and did any of the mods i mention change furniture? lol notice how i havent even gotten to combat / quest mods



when i say including, i mean more importantly :P


Why, do you ask me, am i layering all kinds of junk on top of each other? well im getting MGE cuz of the nvidia thing, NBE cuz of Bloom then connarys stuff cuz its amazing - world wise. weapons wise i threw darknuts in there, and his creatures. ill dwnld the creatures connary has after darknut, so it overlaps. another reason is that i like to mix and match - for example, wat if i like vality's tree animation, but i like connary texture better?


I guess thats the general idea - anyone now a good assasin/sneak upgrade? i heard the morrowind version is pretty bad


anyways, thats just a very basic outline. :thanks: for reading. i havent even started on the combat and the animation stuff.


while typing, i started wondering if an expeirenced morrowind player could give me his mod list.

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I'm not sure whether or not I'd be considered an experienced player, but I've been playing Morrowind for at least the past four or five years. My mods list has a lot of junk in it that needs to be cleaned out, but in the way of graphics mods I have most of what your list contains. I've never heard of MGE or NBE, though, unless they're an abbreviation for something.


You'll need to invest in facepacks, too. The stock MW characters are ugly, and you'll definitely be wanting more attractive characters. I recommend Better Bodies, Better Heads, Emma's headpacks, Features of Vvardenfel, Westly's headpacks, Ren's Oblivion Hair for Morrowind, and Corean Hair in Morrowind. Most of these can be found either here on Nexus or on Planet Elder Scrolls.


Once you start playing you'll figure out what you want the most in mods, and there's a pretty good selection out there to choose from. I go to Planet Elder Scrolls for MW mods more than Nexus, so I'd look there for the best mods. Good luck! :)

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MGE is Morrowind Graphic Extender, the most dramatic fundamental improvement you're likely to see for Morrowind. By NBE he probably means ENBseries, which adds a few screen effects that MGE doesn't. MGE has many optional filters for bloom, though, so you may not need ENBseries at all, unless you want to use its palette feature to tint the screen. Look at the MGE section here for many addons and graphic filters that work with MGE. http://www.mwmythicmods.com/MWE.htm#MGE


I use perhaps everything you listed, Wolfhound, although I might say you shouldn't even bother with Morrowind Visual Pack, as some of its textures are actually worse than the originals, and Connary's packs will mostly overwrite them anyway (happily, since his packs are very good).

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yea sorry, i meant enb (i wouldnt know, since i have no idea what it stands for, but i used it for oblivion)


ty for advice tchos, i wont bother w/ mvp.


the problem with all these mods for morrowind, is that even though they is a huge amnt of them, theres no general packs of them (i mean like OOO for oblivion or MMM for fallout)


even though the mods are great, its a pain to look for good ones, and all the little good ones, you no, the little tweaks that when combined with a bunch of other tweaks make a huge difference

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thats not exactly wat i meant. i meant more that there so much mod packs, that you have no idea which ones are good. wat i was saying bout OOO and stuff, was that they were clearly better then all the others


ty azir, i heard bout THE but couldnt find link. right now though, ill stick to just making the game look good, and not work like a game made wat 8 years ago? lol


cool signature btw

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