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Any mod or fix for fury/frenzy stupidity


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i see, i was hoping to be able to play this game in a more interesting way that the usual cover them in arrows from shadows but i see this game only want us to play the same boring way, dont know why so many stupids spells and shouts if only the most dumb and basical works (fire and heal)


Also i repeat my question, with all the thousand mods out there, there are any that fix this? and make this spell work like it would? or its another: it just work of bugthesda

As far as what I posted (can't speak for the op), please don't take it as a universal ideation, t's just my personal take on the matter. Others I'm sure will disagree. I've encountered people who claim "they prefer to play mage" all the time in online forums


I mean, what's the point of iron arrows? Or iron daggers? (point being that not all weapons, hard or magical, are equivalently useful)

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