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Nexus Mods continually refreshes automatically


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i recently reinstalled windows 10 and using edge and can also confirm that ervery 2 to 3 seconds the pages refresh (never had this problem using chrome, explorer is built in to windows kinda so doing a search you can bring that up and not have to use chrome but I can confirm at least for myself that explorer had no problems browsing nexus mods. seems edge doesn't like the web site for whatever reason .. I have had nexus work fine before tho on edge so something must of triggered it to behave weird with the refreshing but no idea what. anyway hope this helps anyone with same problem with same setup as me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm using Microsoft Edge (scrolls smoother on my laptop's uhd screen) and I'm having the same problem. I want to support this site by keeping my adblocker off for the entire Nexusmods domain, but the pages keep refreshing every 2 seconds if I turn off adblock. There might be something wrong with how the website shows ads (that Edge does not seem to like).

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  • 4 months later...

I had the same problem about this and it is happening in every of my pc browsers (chrome, edge, mozilla, explorer) even i recently install chromium and opera it still does the same refreshing when click download problem. I hope some of you guys have a solution for this problem, i really appreciate if you guys give some of the solution about this problem.

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