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Option to give children outside Diamond City large settlements an automatron


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When I see unarmored or barely armored wastelanders, I feel a bit bad for them. When I see children outside large settlements in that situation, I definitively feel bad. I wish I could send or give (the latter requiring to be close to the target at that moment) either an automatron I made or that I took over (with Robotics Expert). Currently I'm thinking about Donny Kowalski, I forgot if there were other such NPCs.


I guess an alternative would be to find mourning wastelanders that would be happy to adopt a child to send them. Or perhaps an aging craftsmen looking to pass their knowledge. Oh! Perhaps when I met Gene I could buy the dog for the child, and it would go to him/her.


Thank you for your consideration


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When I see unarmored or barely armored wastelanders, I feel a bit bad for them. When I see children outside large settlements in that situation, I definitively feel bad. I wish I could send or give (the latter requiring to be close to the target at that moment) either an automatron I made or that I took over (with Robotics Expert). Currently I'm thinking about Donny Kowalski, I forgot if there were other such NPCs.


I guess an alternative would be to find mourning wastelanders that would be happy to adopt a child to send them. Or perhaps an aging craftsmen looking to pass their knowledge. Oh! Perhaps when I met Gene I could buy the dog for the child, and it would go to him/her.


Thank you for your consideration



rlbaxter's mod "Recruitable NPCs" in combination with his "RL Recruit Framework" mod will allow you to recruit Donny and send him to the relative safety of a settlement.

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rlbaxter's mod "Recruitable NPCs" in combination with his "RL Recruit Framework" mod will allow you to recruit Donny and send him to the relative safety of a settlement.

I guess that's an alternative to my alternative, but if possible I'd rather security be sent to the child (in case there's more than Donny Kowalski).

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Is there a mod that could place a friendly/neutral NPC at a specific place, whom I'd put it ~5' west of Donny's cabin, where an intruder would have to go through to get to Donny, and that newly added NPC would attack any creature and any generally hostile person (eg raider) ? Preferably the guard wouldn't stick exactly at the same place, there would be a circle around a spot that s/he would move around in; maybe even adding a chair there so sometimes s/he'd be seated.

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