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Script Request


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So I'm attempting to make myself a small little TOC, if it turns out good, I'll release it. If not, I'll just keep playing it for myself.


As of current, no quest ideas. All I have done is a basic terrain thus far so don't get all giddy and happy thinking I'm almost done. I'm not.



Anyway, I was wondering if someone would construct me a script allowing the Major Skills of Race 'A' to be increased, with Combat Skills being +10, Sneak and Magic being +5.


I have never been good at scripting, hell PHP has taken me years to learn (mostly because I never bothered to go out and hunt for learning resources, just taught it to myself from PHP Codes), so if it's not to much to ask for, can you break down the individual components of the script and define them for me? I have plans for using for two other races, but with different variables.



Thank you,


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