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Mission Frequency in EU and EW


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Progeny 1st mission is set up to trigger as the first mission in the first slot in April, and the Progeny 3rd mission is set up to trigger as the first mission immediately following the HQ base defense mission.


The Progeny 2nd mission has a different set of triggers located elsewhere, and I haven't quite yet sorted out how the Slingshot mission triggers fit into all of this (they might be getting invoked directly from XGStrategyAI).


The DELUGE_GAP_HOURS variable is used in XGFundingCouncil.PostCombat :

       if((kMission.m_iMissionType == 7) && bSuccess)
            if((m_iFCMissionsThisMonth == 0) && m_iFCRequestsThisMonth == 0)
                if((m_iFirstRequestCountdown > 0) && m_iFirstRequestCountdown < DELUGE_GAP_HOURS)
                    m_iFirstRequestCountdown = DELUGE_GAP_HOURS;

7 = eMission_HQAssault in this case, so it is set up to trigger the next Deluge FC mission exactly 7 days after the HQ Assault mission, but only if no FC Missions/Requests have been completed in the current month. If you've already done a FC Mission/Request, then it gets deferred to the first mission in the next month.


Still reading the rest of your post but from my empirical evidence it seems Deluge only takes place after the XCOM base defense and unlocking Psionics. I'd love to get the record straight here though.

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Deluge is possible without unlocking psionics. In my game I got Annete and couldn't use her powers, because I hesitated with building Hyperwave Relay until I got proper Firestorms fleet to take down Overseer UFO.

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Deluge is possible without unlocking psionics. In my game I got Annete and couldn't use her powers, because I hesitated with building Hyperwave Relay until I got proper Firestorms fleet to take down Overseer UFO.


I only played Progeny about 3/4 times but it looked that way.


I'm currently trying to update the list above with info on the type of UFO missions that can be generated.

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