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Hi my name is Robert Skillings i am a beginner when it comes to modding. I Own my Own Company Called Raproductions we specialize in animation and web design i recently found my game of oblivion and started playing again. I thought why not start a mod since i am in the Animation/Modeling/Web-design fussiness i thought that this should be a breeze. Boy was i wrong after getting used to A:M using CS's render window was so different. I Also found out that it is not a walk in the park. After trying for hours to both Script/Model/Texture/Voice Act/ Position Objects i found out that there is so much to do and not enough time for it all so i have decided to Start a Modding Team. Yes you do have to fill out an Application Just so we can keep track of who you are and what you are doing. We will pretty much take anybody we can get wethier they be a noob like me or as experienced as ranokoa or vicICE. In this Team i am at least trying to get a modeler a texturizer a scripter and an object placer but i will not really limit who can join or not. THE More the merrier I will review each application on its own merit. Nobody will be discrimated on based on Race/Age/Sex/Time Zone/ Joke telling Ability(LOL LOL) But serously i would love to put together a team that will work together on varouse mods that all the team members decide to do. If we get enough people we could also do multiple Mods at the same time. if intrested Pkease Post topic Reply here and I Mean AND Submit an Appliation at http://raproductions.co.cc/Appilcation.html Thank you


PS.IF this is at the wrong Location Pm me and let me know i will then change the area

Look forward to seeing you on the Team

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You should keep the city or/and at least the address off.. Or release the requirement on it..

Those things would be too personal for some people...

Although you could know most things already, when they visit the site .....


You're fond of webdesign eh? :).

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Sorry if you where turned off by the City/Address/State i meant no offense. I set up a standard form that i usaully use for my bussiness did not think about that. It is corrected thank you vicICE
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I'll wish you the best of luck with this. In general it's hard to solicit a mod team (at least of proven modders) without demonstrating that you have a clear idea/plan and that you've already put some work into it. It's not uncommon to work for upward of six months alone on a mod before anyone will agree to help you with more than just the odd texture, script or mesh. I do speak with some experience in the matter.


Most modders already have projects on the go. Sometimes, an idea will grab them and they'll join a team (for example i've recently become part of an ad-hoc team after a discussion of potential theatre mods on the beth forums). I'm sad to say over there (I can't speak for here because I'm not terribly active on these forums) such a request would get you nowhere - not because people necessarily doubt your skills or dedication, but simply because you haven't made any attempt to propose what you plan to do.


Its difficult to treat a modding team like a business. Its not. modders don't get paid, we do it for fun. The application form doesn't come across as something I'd enjoy in my hobby. You can't really hold anybody to a commitment. Modding teams are by nature transient as people lose interest or RL rears its head. Expecting people to commit X hours at X time every day X just doesn't feel right to me.


Don't get me wrong, I love the TES modding scene, and would never discourage people from starting out. I just question your methods. If it all works out - great. I look forward to seeing what you produce. There's certainly nothing wrong with applying sensible management strategies to team modding - in fact its probably crucial, but I suspect there's an art to it which is different from professional team management.

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I would like to state that the only reason i am asking for this information is so i can keep track of who is doing what what other stuff they are doing i was not trying to micromanage or hold people to a certain date and time in fact i will say right now the forms on there are only so i can keep track of who is working on what what they are good at. And the best times to get a hold of them for questions I will remove all required fields except for the email and what you can do. Hopefully i can get somebody who wants to join the team on soon i would like to get started with a few mods that the community has suggested. Agian i did not mean to sound as if a treated this as a bussiness. We all make mistakes and i believed it might help me in organizing everthing so we could assign somebody who say has a lot of scripting experiance do scripting and the occasional model if they wanted to learn. Sorry for the inconvience. Please apply there you go it is changed the only required forms arew the ones that are email and modding capabilities do not feel shy it is quite alright if you cant mod at all we all have to start somewhere i am even a noob at this but still join and get some experience.
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A suggestion: Instead of trying to start still another mod team, why not join an existing team? Then when you have more experience on how modding teams work start your own.


The better teams will be those that are harder to find and are a little more particular in who they allow to join. Many will not post any info on a pending mod until they actually have a beta ready to show.


Some of the tools you need will be your own private forum where you can hash out ideas without outsiders jumping in to sidetrack your members. A PM system that will allow a little more privacy when 2 members want to discuss something off the record, and a IM system that everyone agrees to use. I use Skype's group conversation feature - it allows for a continuous on going communication where any member can post at any time and everyone else in the group can see what was posted. Just create a private group and have each member of the team join that group. And when that occasion comes up where you actually need a voice call to clarify some point, it's right there.

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You see i have applied many times for various teams and got no comment on whether i could join or was turned down. I do not know about other people but i thought it would be gun to start another one. DO you have any suggestions for a team i should apply for? As for tools since i am a website designer i already have a Online chat room With private features. a forum And other communication tools.
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I don't see why you would be having trouble joining a team. Most are dying for animation types as they are rare. I see at least 3 new teams here a week, most are being started by people who really don't know how to run a project. Most have grandiose plans usually involving a total conversion as their first project that they expect to finish in a couple of months. Some actually release mods, most fizzle out.


The group I work with has a public section on our site check it out and talk with some of the members. If you can show some talent and are compatible you may get an invitation. Especially if you can do animations.

Just click on my sig to go there. You must register to get beyond the guest view, That's to keep the barbarians out. Start an introduction thread in the introductions section to let us know something about yourself.

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I should say if you're looking to do animation for a mod, then I'm perpetually short of animation help with unnecessary violence (currently 1st in FOM and 16th in the top 100 after having been available for only around two weeks). So far I have only received completed animations from one person (though several have offered to help), and there are lots that need created. Right now I could give you a list of more than 20 different animations which would help me - some simple, some less so.


PM me if you're interested. UV isn't exactly a modding team, as I do all the scripting (which constitutes most of the mod) but I *am* always looking for help from talented animators.


If you're interested in more 'lover than fighter' type animation work, then I know that sultric drums, who authors successful romancable, story driven companion mods is desperately looking for someone to make him some kissing, hugging and hand holding animations.

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