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What do you do with your Adoring Fan?


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I left him in oblivion with a storm atronauch as company :whistling: left before he died though. He hasn't respawned yet, so i think he is busy being chewed on.






PS do storm atros have mouths? :confused:













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I left him in oblivion with a storm atronauch as company :whistling: left before he died though. He hasn't respawned yet, so i think he is busy being chewed on.






PS do storm atros have mouths? :confused:














Cool, i'm pretty sure they don't have mouths. Looking at this (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Image:OB-Creature-Storm_Atronach.jpg) picture, I'd have to say no. But that thing that looks like a hole in the center of its head may be.

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I'm telling him to stand in some corner of my houses :P

or once i built a mod like a platform that was really far up in the air. I used tcl to get up there then i wrote something like this "placefullactorcopyatplayer" then i left him up there xD

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I tell him to stay when I'm at the Arena Bloodworkds(sp?) and he waits....then when I start a new game and become the Grand Champion again I tell him the same thing.
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I avoid him before the first encounter. Once I leave Bloodworks after becoming Grand Champion I fast travel anywhere and never come back to that door.


You actualy have no good feelings about that poor boy? :rolleyes:

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