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What do you do with your Adoring Fan?


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This is by all means only a partial listing, but let's see:


  • Used him as a substitute for a garden gnome; setscale and derived spell effects are your friends.
  • Launched him off various scenic cliffs, hilltops and mountainsides. Great way to test just how much punch your favorite fireball spell packs.
  • Took a nice seat while the guards were having a chitchat with him. Ouch, that broadsword must've hurt.
  • Had a refreshing little dip at the lake; just forgot to tell him about the resident mother slaughterfish.
  • Played as monster bait in Scary Castle (also known as "The Adoring Fan Meets Ju-On").
  • Thrust him in a maid outfit and locked him in a scaryscary-- er, set up with a cute pose out of the zillions cute alternatives featured in Pose Thumbnail.
  • And then he was left in care of Rosethorn Hall, while Eyja joined the rest of the party for some serious treasure-hunting. Evil beware the lady with a frying pan!

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I give him a healing spell VIA Construction Set that is scripted to give himself a 100000000000000000000 crime gold, mark him as essential, hit him once so he heals, and then watch the guards have fun with him because he is a criminal. Since he is essential, he gets right up and they kill him again!


Also im releasing an Adoring Fan version of my Ranokoas Personal Torture Girl (will do it in like 5 seconds lol.. this will be fun...)

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Here it is! I just made it rather quickly and transitioned everything to work accordingly, as well, as we speak i am (hopefully withotu errors) uploading a video on youtube in which i will show here at the nexus on the mod page. now THATS what i do the the adoring fan! I make an entire mod to kill him!!! AAAHAHAHAHAHA

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awwww! Ya'll are so mean, roflmao! At first I left him in the viewing room of the arena. Then I had a "softie moment" and took him home with me to Rosenthorn Hall to keep Eyja company. She kept stopping by him and saying "Good day my Lord." But, I got tired of the....."by Azura, by Azura, by Azura..." and told him to scram. He's back at the Arena I suppose.


Be easy on him, he's just a star struck groupie, lol But then again Dezi has a point. He IS a submissive and some sort of punishment would show him the depth of my...um..affection for him, hehehe :P

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I don't know where he is. The last time I remember seeing him-I was fighting someone or something and he started running away like a little punk. I caught up to him and tried talking to him but he kept fleeing.

Before that, I just left him in my Thieves hideout house and told him to make himself at home and then I'd take him out when I ran some errands. I feel sorry for the poor little guy. I'd like to give him a make-over. Is there a way you can give him a make over? New hair style, clothes/armor?

I'd like to teach him how to fight and make him useful if I could.

I can't just kill him like a lot of other people like to. I don't know if that means I'm a wuss or what but he looks to me to be a young kid and my character is an older woman so I guess I got this Mom complex going on with him. ???

Anyway, I haven't seen him for awhile. I wonder where he ran off to.

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