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Brusque - custom voiced follower


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Hi guys!

It's me! Little depressed cave man. I don't want to give anyone fake hope for something new. Neither I want to cancel project in halfway. I have been working on male follower who is a Daedra named Brusque.

I know you guys hate getting hyped on mods/games and then you get disappointed because it was not what you expected or it got canceled. But I promise I have someone who will always stand next to me and mobilize me to work. Even if both of us wont get paid from that. :(


So who is Brusque?

Brusque and his sister were created from one force that divided itself into two. A lot of Aedras helped Sithis with the creation of the world and it cost them their power. Sithis also asked the siblings. Sister agreed but Brusque didn't and after she gave herself away to the world, he promised her that he will "guard it". Normally daedras are not able to stay in the world of mortals without summoning, but because siblings were connected by being created by the same force, his sister's sacrifice gave him the ability to move between worlds without much effort.
After the first time Alduin came into the world, Brusque was helping mortals defeat him. Brusque thought that Miraak is dragonborn from the prophecy and he went to him to ask for help, but Miraak did not agree to help them, so Brus spent a few days on Nirn looking for a solution. The force that his sister used showed him the way to an Elder Scroll. He passed it later to Gormlaith who used it in the final battle that moved Alduin in time.
Brusque was aware that this would only delay the possible destruction of the world, so while waiting for Alduin he began to travel the land alone, helping mortals behind the curtains to neutralize various threats to the world and its citizens.
If you think that may be not lore acurate at all share with me why and how we can change it.

If you want to know how voice actor sounds like you can check here > click <
We will complete first part of the mod that will be just his main quest, comments and teaching system.
We want him to have a lot of comments about daedras, maybe we will even create their plains, since we are already working on Azura's one.
Later we will add:
  1. Romance option
  2. DLCs comments
  3. Other big mod compatibility. (Like Bruma, LOtD, other followers, etc.)
  4. Player home in Azura's Plane

Let me know what do you think about it!
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