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Landscape/Region Problems! Please Help


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Im frustrated at not being able to keep and confine my island into one region



Can anyone please help me by letting me know how I can select a region of wilderness and only have that one region for the use of my new place. I can call the cell/region what I want my place to be but it always overlaps into a different section of wilderness.

My thoughts are that in-game will be my new place name for example 'Keys Avenue' and when you walk around there you'll end up having 'wilderness' pop up as the place youre entering, in the middle of 'keys avenue'!.


After saying all that how could i knowingly section up my island into different named places. I find it difficult as I cant predict the borders of which the places meet.


If anyone can make sense of what Im trying to explain please help, much appreciated, LuckyLucifer

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I would just rename the wilderness cells. If you defined a new region, with new weather patterns and stuff in the region settings, and call it say 'Keys Avenue Region', then all you have to do is name the cells 'Keys Avenue Region' . And select from world, exterior cell, scroll to your cell, and change it's region.


Naming the cell the region name will make it blend in on the world map, what i mean is if you name an exterior cell something different then it's region name it will put a yellow box on the world map that displays the name, for example the Vivec cells all show dots on the map but the Ascadian Isles cells next to it don't.


So i would probably call the region 'Keys Avenue Region', Name all the cells 'Keys Avenue Region' and maybe one cell 'Keys Avenue' to show up on the map, where the boat docks or buildings or something are...


That is if your island has enough water between it and something important.

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Yes but I ALWAYS overcompilcate things. LOL


That's if you don't mind the yellow boxes all over the map, and the weather patterns of the region you're building in, but much simpler to do.


Isn't there a way to move lanscape around somehow or am i hallucinating? I know it can't be done with the CS itself. It seems like i saw a program somewhere that did that.

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Yes he'll have to do that all the cells that include the island, as well as rename the the cells ,

it's tricky sometimes telling where the cells end though, depends on the render thing, i'm not sure how i do it it just does it ,clicking on an object causes only that cell to render and then clicking on nothing re renders everything, or something like that. It confuses me, i just go with it.


On my island i have a whole cell renamed and regionalized for one little corner of land, just so if, the remote possibility of actually walking all the way to the corner, it won't say Wilderness. But what the heck, the water don't care.


And in the Cell Window, usually the will be a * on the cells you've edited, look for the wilderness with the * and mostlikely it's one of yours, if the coordinates are next to your island. You cane rename it in the cell window.

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