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Guest deleted153426568

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Guest deleted153426568

Hi folks, years ago I came across a very simple Skyrim load order template for my Xbox series x that I believe was put out by Bethesda. It was nothing fancy, it was short and to the point, but most importantly " it just worked". Apparently that very simple load order template has disappeared from the internet. I checked Bethesda.net it isn't there either. I have tried to find it, but no luck. I went in search of a new load order template and that's where the problems begin. Which one do I use? Many of these " working " load order templates seem to contradict each other. Look at one template and it says do it this way, look at another template and it is the complete opposite. Many of the categories on some of these templates are so vague and open ended they leave me scratching my head trying to figure out where to put which mod where. Can anyone help by suggesting a simple load order template tool that is easy to understand, yet specific enough so I do not have to wrack my brains trying to figure out if a mod goes in this category or that category? I know there are tools here on Nexus, but I just want something very simple and easy to use. I'm not really a computer guy, but I do like to game when I can't find anything better to do. Thanks for taking your time to read this, and any help you could send my way would be greatly appreciated.


PS The old load order template that seemed to work had a thumbnail headshot in it of a blonde Caucasian bearded guy with his head tiled back smoking a cigar. I hope that helps. Thanks again.

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