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To start off I had seen some good mods awhile back such as Slof's Sexy Animations. However back then my comp wasn't able to handle the game. After finally getting my comp upgraded and getting the game I have found the Slof has closed off her mods. Could someone recommend mods for what I am looking for?
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What about animations. I keep seeing Slof's sexy anims as a recommended mod to get but where might one be able to get it now that it seems to have been removed. Is there something similar that could be used?


I don't mean any disrespect to her for asking though. I really think that the mods that she did make are by far quite amazing. Just wish I had managed to get to them before everything had fallen apart around her. I hope that she feels better.

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Don't know if it would be of interest, but there's a romanacble (and I mean romancable - its not a porn mod) companion mod called stoker wolff who doesn't discriminate the gender of the PC who romances him.


It's written by a very talented author (Sultric Drums), and is well put together. If you enjoy companion mods it's well worth a try.

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