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Paladin Public Challenge Mod


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Hi there,


This may seem like a completely silly idea but maybe it'll give somebody another idea. Who knows? :)


I've recently been playing a brand new Paladin character. Heavy armor, two handed, shield/longsword. A good knight. No stealing, no sneaking etc... But it recently occurred to me how... un-knightly it is to just sometimes rush into a bad guy area like a thunderstorm and just wipe everything out without challenging them to a fair fight.


So my idea was this: Is there anyone interested in making a mod where a knightly sort of character can stand a distance away and call out in a very loud voice a sort of challenge? I know that I can shoot an arrow, or even just shout, but shooting an arrow means you're attacking first and that isn't very knightly (and this character isn't into bows as they're for milk drinkers), and shouting before a battle is a bit of a waste if you're going to need it 10 seconds later to get through the fight.


Naturally, I don't expect any bandits to respond appropriately, and I'll have to slay them all with no quarter given. But you know, it's the fun principle of the thing.


I know it sounds utterly ridiculous as every mob that sees you instantly is going to attack you anyway, but I just figured it might add a little panache into the default "Just run and slash everything because you know they're bad anyway" sort of scenario.


Anyway, just an idea. Enjoy. :)


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Easiest way to go about this should be to create a new shout in the Creation Kit with a cooldown timer of 0. I'm afraid I don't have access to the Creation Kit at the moment or I'd actually go and try it out, but if you're willing to make it yourself, that'll be the way. If I remember correctly, you have to create a magic effect (create one that doesn't do anything), attach it to a spell, then attach that to a shout. As long as the shout's cd timer is set to 0, you'll trigger the mobs' hostility without doing any damage and while avoiding the annoying cd.

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