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Can a sudden PC shut down (due to power loss) while running Skyrim bre


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"...break the game?"


Ok, so I recently re-installed Skyrim, downloaded all my favorite mods, and got everything working properly (I painstakingly checked all of the mods out using BOSS and TES5 etc). All was in order, and I was playing the game for a few days with no problems. But then last night my house lost power for only about 2 seconds, but long enough for my PC to shut off while I had the game running. I rebooted and tried running the game again, only to find that it CTD every time I tried to load any of my saves. I also attempted creating a new character a few times, and it CTD as soon as I finished with the character creator. I've double checked BOSS and TES5 and there are no apparent errors, missing files, or anything like that, so I don't think it's a mod issue... At least, not one that I can find? The only thing BOSS lists is a warning about compatibility issues for 'Sounds of Skyrim' and 'Realistic Lighting Overhaul', but that warning had already been there before, and anyway I already have the compatibility patches for SoS and RLO installed and I'd been using those two mods without any issues for a while already.

So my question is, did the power loss corrupt my game somehow? I'm not sure how it could have done that honestly, but I just can't figure out what's wrong with my game ever since it happened. I'll add that I had the game minimized when I lost power and I was checking something online - idk if that would have made a difference?


I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and were they able to fix it? I'm set to just reinstall the game all over again because I'm out of options, unless someone here comes along with a miracle solution. Lol it's nbd, but I'd rather avoid having to go re-download all those mods again (there's at least 40 mods that I can't play without).

Edited by Minxie18
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Sudden Pc shutdowns due to anything are not damaging your game BUT they damage your Pc registry which can make your game unplayable or screwed - it did happen to me with killing floor- fixing the pc registry with a registry maintainer and reinstalling the game helped in my occasion

It might work for you too.


I have to warn you registry maintainers are tricky to use and might cause problems , so a registry backup is advised before using them

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