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How to disable Zoom Effect on Iron sights?

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This is maybe a complex one-


i figured, that vanilla weapons and even a lot of weapon mods cant be configured, so, that they have no zoom-in-effect on their iron sights and reflex sights. I just hate that unrealistic zoom and want to get rid of it but found out, that it is somehow attached to the animation itself. Could that be? Tried to disable that effect on Thing's new lore friendly Glock mod, by deleting every entry regarding zoom and fov, but it won't change anything. Then i've tried the 19x mod, which has no zoom at all and added the esp as a master to Thing's Glock. Yeah, the animations messed up, but suddenly i got no zoom on the iron and reflex sights. So i think that ads fov is bound to the respective aiming animation, and that there is no way to prevent this...

But if there is a way, please let me know, this is so damn unimmersive and it drives me nuts...


Thx in advance folks

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I haven't edited them in quite a while but these should be the settings you're looking for:


- Weapon >> Zoom data: base zoom data of the weapon. Usually it's 'ZM_Default' which means no zooming (its values are zeroed out), see below why.


- ZoomData. Used by weapon forms (see 'ZM_Default') and ObjectMods ('OMODs' or 'Object Modifications') to override (e.g., to change the camera offset which means "more zooming") the base zoom data of weapons. It doesn't do anything alone, it must be referenced by a weapon form directly (see above) or a scope OMOD that is attached to a weapon instance (see below). (A 'weapon instance' is a weapon object reference that exists in the game world).


- ObjectMod >> pzZoomData: 'pzZoomData' is a possible property modifier of an OMOD. Depending on how it has been configured ('MUL' to multiply, 'ADD' to add, etc.), it modifies the ZoomData of the weapon instance that this OMOD is attached to. Note that technically, a weapon can have more OMODs that can modify its ZoomData... cumulative modifications of ZoomData by OMODs doesn't seem to be very likely though as pzZoomData is only used by scope OMODs (the ones that also add the keyword 'HasScope' to their weapon instances).

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Thx LarannKiar for replying, but unfortunately i already did all that, as i'm quite familiar with these things and the CK in general. For example, in case of Thing's Glock mod, i made sure that the weapon uses the ZM Default zoom model and that no object mod modifies the zoom, by simply deleting all instances of the respective variables from the OMODS that included them.

So this messes up aiming of course, but it SHOULD also prevent the zoom-in...which it does not. I always get a slight zoom, regardless the camera setting. Sure, i can INCREASE the zoom, but i can't make it not zoom at all, no matter what i do. On the other hand, if i make the respective weapon mod use a different animation, by adding another weapon mod as a master (in this case the Glock19x mod) and then apply it's anims-keyword to it, the animations are quite messed up, yeah, but it also prevents the zoom. So i must assume, that there is more to this and that this slight zoom effect does come with the animations itself. I even found some hints on the interwebs refering to this subject, but nothing helpful.

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Oh, and somebody mentioned, that changing the zoom value to .999999 is the answer for no zoom- while it is correct that you do not zoom in with this setting, it also makes the camera jitter for a moment each time you ads. So this is a workaround but not a real solution to the issue.

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Thx LarannKiar for replying, but unfortunately i already did all that, as i'm quite familiar with these things and the CK in general. For example, in case of Thing's Glock mod, i made sure that the weapon uses the ZM Default zoom model and that no object mod modifies the zoom, by simply deleting all instances of the respective variables from the OMODS that included them.

So this messes up aiming of course, but it SHOULD also prevent the zoom-in...which it does not. I always get a slight zoom, regardless the camera setting. Sure, i can INCREASE the zoom, but i can't make it not zoom at all, no matter what i do. On the other hand, if i make the respective weapon mod use a different animation, by adding another weapon mod as a master (in this case the Glock19x mod) and then apply it's anims-keyword to it, the animations are quite messed up, yeah, but it also prevents the zoom. So i must assume, that there is more to this and that this slight zoom effect does come with the animations itself. I even found some hints on the interwebs refering to this subject, but nothing helpful.


Ah, I see. That slight zoom is probably the animation camera that's moving ("zooming"). Unfortunately, it seems likely that you'll need to edit the animations to completely disable the zoom effect.

Edited by LarannKiar
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