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Control damage dealt by individual weapon/spell types


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I would like to request a mod to would allow you to control the amount of damage dealt by each weapon type (Melee, Archery, and for further options to control damage dealt by individual weapons themselves, such as swords, axes, etc) and for each spell type (and magic damage in general,) and would have individual settings for damage dealt by the player, enemy NPCs and followers.


Preferably it would be controlled via MCM, and would be compatible with other damage altering mods such as SkyRe and the like.


A mod similar to this (but does a whole lot more besides) exists called SkyTweak, but has no options for scaling damage for weapon/spell groups individually, only as a whole, and often only the rate at which damage scales. Since SkyTweak is pretty powerful and mostly all encompassing I am assuming that there must be technical limits to changing damage in this way, or would require a very large amount of work. If someone more experienced with modding could reply and inform me of whether this is actually feasible, that would be great.

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