anjenthedog Posted July 25, 2023 Share Posted July 25, 2023 Dragonborn Voice Over 1.1.0Bella Voice installer v 1.064 G primary memory38 G combined (swap, plus card's 6G) for GPU I installed consoleUtilSSE NG per DVO (it is a dependency)Then DVOThen Bella voice installer. Game wouldn't start. (processes for a while, then dies on the vine) I then disabled Bella voice installer. Game started and I played all night Decided to look into it today. Tried several fixes that people suggested, like deleting LONG file name files from the bella voice pack. No luck Tried disabling ConsoleUtilSSE NG, as one user suggested. Game won't start. Reenabled it. game won't startgave up and decided "this isn't worth the trouble, wtf was I thinking?), then started uninstalling in reverse order until just prior to installing this muckety muckGame won't start. As with all the others, I see the skyrim process in task manager, it bounces around @ ~17% CPU (4.6GHZ 9700K), then fades back to zero percent utilization (ie it exits in some manner) I now panicked and decided to reinstall them all (in their original order of install), then disabled the bella pack as before to get the game running But it doesn't. Game still wont start. Something got broken but I have no idea what. Help? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anjenthedog Posted July 25, 2023 Author Share Posted July 25, 2023 PS> game also won't start if I attempt to run "raw" (no SKSE), processes at ~17% , then dies on the vine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anjenthedog Posted July 25, 2023 Author Share Posted July 25, 2023 oh, here's my load order # Automatically generated by VortexSkyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmDBVO.espHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmObi's Casual Outfit.espSerialStripper.espSerialStrip.espFaster Respawn Plus - 3 Days.espLazBeret.espXing SMP Hairs and Wigs - HHairstyles.espXing SMP Hairs and Wigs - Fuse.espXing SMP Hairs and Wigs - Dint999.espMuJointFixToggleSLandOstim.espWhippoorwillSong.espKaliliesBrows.espDarkstorm.espMidwood Isle Simply Bigger Trees Patch.espMidwood Isle Grass Patch.espMidwood Isle BS Bruma Patch.espMILightsControl.espMidwood Isle.espFolkstead.espBruma Map Adjustment.espBS_DLC_patch.espBSAssets.esmBSHeartland.esmReal Clouds.espHigh Poly Head.esmImmersiveInteractions.espNotificationLog.espBagOfShit.eslDemonicCreatures.espAnimal_SOS.espReverb and Ambiance Overhaul - Skyrim.espClockwork Fine Chain Armor - ESPFE.espRegaliaOfTheScorned.espDX StLouis SE.espAnthorDragonFix.espDX Naughty Secretary.espUnlimitedHostileEncounters.espautoBodyAE.espXPMSE.espSOSRaceMenu.espBeyond Reach - Shields and Cloaks.espBeyond Reach - Temper Recipes.espBeyond Reach - Skyrim Border Tweak.espScenicViewLodge.espYunDao_Hdt_Hair_FG.espYunDao_Hdt_Hair.espShiva's Beautiful Presets Vanilla Hair.espImmersive Encounters.espElisifReplacerSE.espBeyond Reach - Notice Board.espKhajiit Caravan Mules.espLandscape Fixes For Grass Mods.espWetFunction.espWetandCold.espVidani's Bag of Holding.espMCMHelper.espAddItemMenuSE.espIntegratedFaceLight.espConditional Expressions.espsimpleCarriageExpansion.espAves Spelldrinker.espCathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers.espDA_Skyship.esmUnofficial Republic of Maslea Patch.espLoS II - USSEP patch.espLoS II - SMIM patch.espLoS II - CRF patch.espLoS II - Bruma patch.espLanterns Of Skyrim II.esmMasleaWeatherFix.espmaslea.esmDynamicCollisionAdjustment.esl[Predator] Ancient Robes.espJaxonzRenamer.espCosmic Eyes.esphtfq_se.espSMIM-Bruma-Patch.espmgp bruma patch.espmore plants all extra.espBruma Grass Fix New.espStoneheartStudio Jewelry SSE.espRealisticWaterTwo.espRealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esmRealisticWaterTwo - Beyond Skyrim Bruma.espRealisticWaterTwo - Beyond Reach.espRealisticWaterTwo - Alt Volcanic Watercolor.espProjectAHO - StartWhenYouWant.espDwarfsphereImprovedPatch.espDwarfsphere.espFarmhouseChimneys.espUse Those Blankets.espGreymoorWarehouse.espJaxonzEnhGrab.espExpressive Facegen Morphs.eslGotobed.espInteriorExteriorBrightness.espplayerequipmentmanager.espMystery Hatch.espCC'sEnhancedOreVeinsSSE-HearthfirePatch.eslLandscape Fixes For Grass mods - Cutting Room Floor Locations.espSLAnimLoader.espInteractiveWashBasins.espKSWigsSMP.espKSHairdosSMP.espRaceMenuTextureOverrideFix.espTheEyesOfBeauty.espCommunityOverlays1_0T30.espSFO_SkinFeatureOverlays.espAtlas Map Markers.espshadowman_vex.espECE Sliders for Racemenu.eslSLSO.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.espNyxFollower.espRaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.espRaceCompatibility.esmDudestiaOutfitChanger.espShootingStars.espSAS.eslHaloFarm's Radio.espKS Hairdo's.espUnofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.espSleepwear.espDiverseSkyimCivilWarFix.espHentaiCreatures.espSexLab UtilityPlus.espwaterviewskyrim.esmarnima.esmhdtHighHeel.esmSGEyebrows.espConfigureCommentaryRate.eslHeels Sound.esmSexLab.esmSexLabAroused.esmCreatureFramework.esmFlowerGirls SE.esmFlowerGirls SE Threesome Fix.eslSchlongs of Skyrim - Core.esmApachiiHair.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmApachiiHairMales.esmBBLuxurySuite.esmZaZAnimationPack.esmUndergroundBathhouse.esmSkyrim - Utility Mod.esmPerfect Terrain LOD.esmnwsCVRFollower.espGRIM Wednesday Addams.eslEcotone Dual Sheath.eslLSFX-SSE-Audiosettings.espSkyUI_SE.espSMIM-SE-Merged-All.espImmersive Wenches.espERF - Futanari CBBE - Equippable.espSexLab Sound FX Replacer.espdark face fix.espKala_Eyes.espBrows.espMuKneeFix.espBruma & Beyond Reach Music Patch.espGMsHair aXing.espsr_FillHerUp_Voices1.espJaxonzMCMKicker.espsr_FillHerUp.espSLALAnimObjBillyy.espRelationship Dialogue Overhaul.espSpringtimeForSkyrim.espDepthsOfSkyrim.espCutting Room Floor.espS3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.espSurWR.espJehanna.espethereal_elven_overhaul.espBijin NPCs.espSalmon roe to fish barrels.espFMS_FemaleMakeupSuite.espub_cell_darkarea.espRLO - Exteriors.espUnique Flowers & Plants.espMoss Fix.espMoreNastyCritters.espBHTNFxyz.espHalf Moon Creek.espRomanceOfNPCs.esphearthfireextended.espSea of Spirits.espHF_Lakeview_AvantGarden_EX.espSimplyBiggerTreesSE.espWhiterun RIver Improved.espExtinctSlaughterfish.espub_cell_teleportroom.espCampsite.espLakeview_Extended_Basement.espWaterView.espRLGBrumaLanterns.espSexLab-AmorousAdventures.espHF_Windstad_PHB_EX.espPeregrine_Highwatch_HFX.esp[sunJeong] Ninirim Collection.espSkyrim Flora Overhaul.espHF_Heljarchen_PHBXB1_EX.espDibellaStatuesFixes.espnotice board.espBlubbos_Riverwood.espLADX_SSE.espMissives.espThe Manipulator.espDwemerManorExotic.espEastmarchOreVeins.espDrunkenDragon.espSexLab Eager NPCs.espub_bbls_merge.espSharkish_Piercings.espMharzurk.espGS Goblin.espGS Goblin_HC.espBlindfolds_of_Skyrim.espAutomaticItemStorage.espMfgFix.espFGCumEffect.espAutoHideAmmo.espSLALAnimObj.espWindyGrass.espOsare KneeSocks 2nd.espElegant Beauty Stunning Eyes Remastered.espnoCamColl_2_SE.espModded_NPCs.espSexLabDefeat.espCharacter Behaviors Enhanced.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espRLO - Effects.espRaceMenuPresetLoader.espXN_AngelsSmile.espFurSet by keung.espMannequinStayPut.espRealRainSE.espFaceSculptorsRacemenu.espFox b&@*$ Armor.espSexLabTools.esp[Christine] Clockwork.espRaceMenuMorphsBHUNP.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.espRDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.espEEO CRF patch.espFacial Piercings.espNoMannequins.espBHUNP3BBB.esp3BBB.esp3BBB-RaceMenuMorphs.espTDF Aroused Rape.espCBBE.espSexLab Extra Voices.espRaceMenuMorphsCBBE.espBards of Solitude - Illdi.espLazyRenamer.espSLA Monitor Widget.espSLTriggersCumEffects.espsl_triggers.espSexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.espNorthgirl_CBBE.espHentaiSaberDress.espPassiveWeaponEnchantmentRecharging.espAncientDraugr.espHentaiGaleArmor.espFirst Person Camera Height Fix.espNoRadialBlur.espLuxury Collection.espSLAL_AnimationsByLeito.espNibblesAnimObjects.espSOS - Pubic Hair for Females Addon.espBDO India [sE].espNoOverpenetration.espMomiji Overalls [sE].espOOH! Bikini [sE].espTiwa44_SGMD_CBBE_1_4.espAnubAnimObj.espSLAL_AnimationByBakaFactory.espDW.espNewGame+.espSexLabDangerousNights2.espCumshot.espCumshotSL.espCumshotFG.espzariafarming.espMy Home Is Your Home.espSky-hi-Rim Villa SE.espZIR_UseableButterChurn.espFaerie Elves.espFaerie Elves - Followers.espLakeview No Wolves.espbm_SimpleAction.espBakaFactoryABC.espFaerie Elves - SOS Addon.espFaerie Elves - Default Female Body Location.espDX Druid Armor.espBDIC.espGoToBed Addon.espBuyableGoldenClaw.espBlush When Aroused.espSLACS.espSexLabMatchMaker.espSexLab Inflation Framework.espABBA.espSchlongs of Skyrim.espSOS - ERF - HighPoly Equipable.espShieldmaidens muscle slider CBBE.espSOS - ERF - HighPoly Addon.espSOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.espSOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.espQuickLight.espUIExtensions.espElephant'sScriptLatencyTester.espHoamaiiSleepingBags.espUrsine Armor Pack.espFNIS.espHeightSizeFix.esp00FacialExpressions.espSleepTight.espBijin Wives.espNo More Standing Too Close SSE 1-0.espFNISSexyMove.espJinhuaCat Retextures.espBetter Skill and Quest Books Names SE.espPlayer Blink Fix.espCraftersCrown.espDIVERSE SKYRIM.espSimpleOutfitManager.espYawnAway.espIcePenguinWorldMap.espDSHg - Helmets.espDSHg - UpdateDG.espLanterns and Candles.espFollowerWander2.espAMatterOfTime.espSkyHUD.espExpeditionNecklace.espTSA_TimeScaleAdjuster.espFollowerSha.espCureDiseaseSpell.espProper Aiming.espImproved Diadem of the Savant.espKS Jewelry.espTheCleaner.espMelt_Down_Everything.espResurrect.espMOD - Simply Better Horses (SSE).espWhistle.espBetter Food.espImprovedFishBASIC.espD-Huntress.espWalklikeanormalperson.espAutoEquip.espSkyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets SSE.espTiwa44_Minidresses_CBBE.espTiwa44_Minidresses_Dragonborn_CBBE.espSexyVest.espRayg_NoBYOHAttacks.espCustomizable Camera.espAddPerkPoints.espInvisibleAetherialCrown.espQuickSpotlight.espBBLuxurySuiteENM.espFactionSpy.espProject Proteus.espTestMCM.espIMAGINATOR SSE - Visual Control for Skyrim.espMushroomSoup.espub_apachii_hair.espub_invite_any_npc.espElwyn - YuiH StandAlone Follower.espDragonCombatDialogue.espUBH-HighDGcomPatch.espHikari.espFishInTheFountain.espR18pn - Shanoa Armour SE.espR18pn - Shanoa Armors.espLuxury Collection Vendor.espHikariArmorPack.espHDT Piercingsets.espLuxurious Seduction.espFNISspells.espDynamicGold.espJinhuaCat Outfit.espHDTEarring.espMidnightBreed.espEcotone Dual Sheath Patch.espFugitivePissOff.espSINful CBP.espRLO - Interiors.espRLO - VIS Patch.espRLO - Illuminated Spells.espRLO - CRF Patch.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anjenthedog Posted July 25, 2023 Author Share Posted July 25, 2023 I just want to note that these three mods are the last mods I installed. So they *should be able to be uninstalled without issues, even if I have to delete a bunch of save files from last night that include them Hmm... now, after disabling ConsoleUtilSSE NG for a second (or maybe third) time, AND then using "refresh content" on the normal consoleUtilSSE on a wild lark (now, ConsoleUtilSSE NG and BellaVoiceInstaller_1.0 are disabled, Dragonborn Voice Over sitll enabled) the freaking game is now loading. Yay?-ish? Still don't have a voice, but at least the stupid game is working again. PS> Apparently, although it's unclear from the mod's description and requirements list (which shows ConsoleUtilSSE NG as a requirement), ConsoleUtilSSE (no "NG") is fine or preferred for 1.5.97 players, only discovered by wading through the posts and bugs section of the mod page after the fact. Anyone happen to know of a voice mod for this Dragonborn Voice Over mod that actually works? I'd hate to think I've just saddled myself with yet another mod I can't uninstall or it trashes my game, even though it does nothing useful and contributes nothing other than load. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorsha Posted July 26, 2023 Share Posted July 26, 2023 In my game it works as intended, but I admit that I'm playing the AE version. So I have the ConsoleUtilSSE NG version. What I not understand is that your DBVO.esp is that high in your loadorder. Mine is at place 212 (FE 060). But as far as I remember I read somewhere that it looks like you also need the 007 version (DBVO_Base.esp). In my loadorder at place 151 (FE 03E). That file is to find in the old files section.Hope it helps. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anjenthedog Posted July 26, 2023 Author Share Posted July 26, 2023 In my game it works as intended, but I admit that I'm playing the AE version. So I have the ConsoleUtilSSE NG version. What I not understand is that your DBVO.esp is that high in your loadorder. Mine is at place 212 (FE 060). But as far as I remember I read somewhere that it looks like you also need the 007 version (DBVO_Base.esp). In my loadorder at place 151 (FE 03E). That file is to find in the old files section.Hope it helps. Good luck.I was about to get back to this post. DBVO itself installed fine. I resolved it at least partially. I was instructed (afaik by author of bella DBVO) to NOT use the fomod and instead install the "patches" (mod targeted voice file packs) individually I have 8 installed so far. Dealing with load order is a real chore, as every mod in the DBVO voice line is affected with each new addition. It's kinda maddening, but so far it works, even if keeping track of which goes before and after this or that voice pack is getting difficult. But the good thing outshines any difficulties... I finally have a voice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
7531Leonidas Posted July 26, 2023 Share Posted July 26, 2023 Glad you are getting it sorted (knock on wood!). Sorry I missed this, I probably could have helped you with the NG being a no-go (pun intended) for 1.5.97. One of my mods kicked up its heels last year when I tried to update one of the SKSE-based mods. That was one of several reasons I finally bit the bullet and made the move to 1.6.353 last fall (just before the Beth upgrade shenanigans), and 1.6.640 more recently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asharoth9029 Posted February 26 Share Posted February 26 I had a same problem. DBVO installed fine, but the voice don't come out. Btw, I use Japanese girl voice pack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anjenthedog Posted February 27 Author Share Posted February 27 Some of the older voice packs have incorrect naming or something, and installing one of them breaks the whole DBVO shebang, so you need to find and uninstall the bad pack(s). Once they're gone, it should work. I had to uninstall the Beyond Reach voice pack(s) for my game in 1.5.97, back when my last post to this thread was still fresh, and maybe another one or two as well, but I can't remember which (if any) they were and haven't installed DBVO into 1.6x yet, so can't say one way or the other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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