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Command Prompts


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I recently took a week long trip through the Black Wood and Nibenean valley regions. I had left my horse at Bravil for its safety (Prior Maborel's old paint just doesn't have the fight in her anymore), but upon returning, I found her missing--and worse yet--the saddlebags I had left on her containing most of my stuff. I like to travel light when treasure hunting, so I can reap big rewards for my efforts. So, I lost 40 (game) days of loot. A big hit to my financial and material straits.


That being so, I floated away from my body in spiritual form, and went to another realm of Oblivion where internet was present. I copied codes for items using the common player.additem ______ command to meticulously restore most of the items I had lost.


However, some of my most prized items were items added by mods, most specifically OOO.


So, I was wondering, good modders of tesnexus, if there were command prompt codes for these items, and if so, where I could find them?


I don't like to cheat--I usually go for immersion--but I feel somehow divinely justified here to restore my lost items for my brand new horse to carry in its shiny new leather saddlebags. As I go throughout Cyrodiil, stopping at wayshrines of the nine asking for blessing in this endeavor, I ask you the above question.


Do these items, added by OOO, have command prompt codes? If so, what do I have to do in order to view these codes? And if not, is there another way to retrieve these modded items? (like the coc warehouse command?)


Thank you,

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The simplest way of retrieving your items would be to get your horse back... don't you have a save with the same horse?

If you type the id of the horse inside your new save.. like: '002008C.moveto player, 250 , 0, 0' you could get your horse back,

if it still was alive....

If you use the old save, you could go to the horse, go to the console. Click on the horse, write the number down on a paper.

Go back to your newer save.. then see if your horse is still alive..by using that moveto command.

However.. this probably only works if you haven't changed your load-order in those 40 hours....


Otherwise it would be better to go to the construction set and put all your items in a chest....

Getting all id's of your items would take much more time...you would need to get in CS to get them all anyway...

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Try this mod. 'Dude Wheres my Horse' It will help you find your lost horse. Just make it your current quest and it will use the game quest marker to locate the last horse you rode. I haven't tried to find a dead horse with it though.


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