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CTD Crash with no log generated


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with 64G of primary memory (and a game that never even comes close to using all of it), I need 128G to 196G of my primary hard drive (500G) for the page file? With all due respect, that seems a bit nuts. I hope that advise is based on the idea that someone only has 8 or 16G primary memory, because otherwise, I'm totally fornicated.

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Considering that I can play at all, 20 G apparently "Works" for the most part, so I figure that doubling its min and max values should be sufficient. If not, I'll add some more, but I'd prefer not to gobble up everything on a lark that I just gained by off-driving the vortex downloads folder... Skyrim doesn't even use half the available primary memory. GPU? Sure... it dips into swap all the time, but afaik that uses a different storage pool and in that case, my swap file is on a secondary drive with beaucoup space.


Yeah I figure it must be repeated "old" advise, but tbh, I don't pay much attention to being the tech guru anymore, so even if it's true, I'm not doing it.


IN any case, I'm glad I learned about that and hope the resultant changes I made will improve my game stability.

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