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Stardew Valley

Mod Request - Fight Club at SV


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I think it would be amazing to fight between male villagers! Get a bit of friendship if you win and become the very best.


Weapons and everything is allowed, everyone has their special weapon and skills. This mod would get triggered after getting 4 hearts with Linus and then he invites you, after that you can invite every male villager who has at least 4 hearts.



Harvey would be the Doc so he wouldn't fight, still he will be on the fights to help everyone.


Gus would sell food with different buffs, so he won't fight either


Linus gives tips for each fighter. When you defeat everyone you can fight him, he will have every skill and a random weapon.


Sebastian: Sebastian mace, also he can turn into a bat to get a speed bonus and evade your attacks or bite you.


Sam: Sam guitar, after getting hit you see replicas of him who attack you.


Alex: Alex bat, he fights you along his dog


Elliot: Elliott pencil, he adds debuff to player


Shane: Holy blade, mirrors every player move


Kent: Bare handed (Invisible dagger to make the effect), his attack gets buffed when hurt


Lewis: Weapon, bribes the player to lose the fight multiple times.


Clint: Galaxy hammer, preaches about Emily love. Able to breath fire. His strength gets buffed if player has more than 4 hearts with Emmily.


Pierre: Uses magic dust to make summons, reference to his secret stash


Marlon: Alternates between Galaxy slingshot and Galaxy sword


Willy: Underwater fight (swim/dive mod mechanics)


Morris owns the place where you fight, strangely friendly to you after either choice with the community center. Does not fight you, but can be seen fighting other villagers.

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