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Equip-able/Reusable item: Spell Index


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Hello, I'm looking to see if anyone is interested in making this happen:


An item in the player's inventory which, when used or equipped, launches a menu to select spells from a player-defined list. Since it's actually an item, it could be favorited, and then I could push the 1 key to launch a dialogue with, say, all of my Restoration spells. And my 2 key could have buff spells such as the -Skin line and muffle. The important thing is it's as many spells as the player wants, and categorized however the user sees appropriate. Not exactly lore-friendly with the idea, but this could be used to put all Shouts on one index, giving your choice of all shouts on a single hotkey.


Step 1: Introducing the item

The simplest way would be to have a craft-able item. However it's introduced, there shouldn't be a hard cap on the number of them a player can get.

It would also be nice if the item could be named by the player, as you can do while enchanting. If not, there will need to be some method of differentiating them, so that a player could have several without confusing the Favorites.


Step 2: Define the index

I don't know how to best go about this. Ideally, you would launch this function by using the key for recharging items with soul gems, or the button to unlock a dragon shout, to launch the magic menu. And then you could go through and select spells to add to that specified index. One thing that is important is that it chooses from all spells known by the player -- not just spells from the master.esm. Spells/abilities from other mods should be visible and supported.


Step 3: Using the item

Either by equipping with an obscure slot ID, or by some sort of "Use" that doesn't actually consume the item, the item should launch a menu showing the items previously designated. The ideal would be the SkyUI favorites menu look and functionality, minus the filter category icons. I'm willing to settle for a less-pretty menu, but I fear the standard message box approach would end up so clunky that it wouldn't be worth the hotkey savings. Once the menu is dismissed, a command would probably need sent to unequip the index item if equipped, so that it can be called again.




If this is possible, is anyone up for this project? Failing that, I'd like some input on how to go about doing this myself. I'd love to be involved and do what I can, but I fear I don't really know how to even begin. Thanks.


EDIT: if anyone has ideas for how to improve this concept, such as a more realistic method of adding spells to an index, I'm open to suggestions.

Edited by MoistTypewriter
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