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Skyrim Uncapper Skill EXP tweak


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Hi guys, i posted this on the skyrim uncapper's mod comment section but I didn't get any answer so far.


The idea of my tweak, so you can have a better understanding, is that I want the skills to level up to 150 (formula cap to 100) to keep leveling with out having to upgrade other perks (like smithing on a mage character) and have a legendary system wich enable at 150 and reset the skill to 100. If i understand it right leveling a skill above level 100 requiere more EXP. I.E : leveling a lv 120 skill to 121 requiere 20% more EXP compared to leveling a skill from 100 to 101 (correct me if i'm wrong).


I was thinking of tweaking the SkillExpMult to the following, to have an average feel of leveling a skill to 100 to 101 for every skills leveled above 100 :

1 = 1.00
105 = 1.05
110 = 1.10
115 = 1.15
120 = 1.20
125 = 1.25
130 = 1.30
135 = 1.35
140 = 1.40
145 = 1.45

What do you guys think about it ?


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