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fallout 3 repair mod for oblivion


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my first post! :thumbsup:


i just finished playing f3 and i really, really liked it. one thing that stood out that i liked over oblivion was the way repair worked. instead of having a "hammer" and repairing your sword by hitting it, you took the same item and used the parts to fix your weapon. it would be cool if someone made a similar mod for oblivion.


yeah, ok, you really cant take apart a word and then use those pieces on your better sword to repair it, but i just seems more convenient and it would make people more likely to pick up more items.


is this idea possible? is there already a mod that does this?




ps sorry for weird wording this is one of my first ever posts

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To be more realistic you should need a forge (or a very hot fire), an anvil, a hammer and the material used on the weapon. If it is a silver sword what you want to repair you should spend silver ingots not hammers xD
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